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Keeping a watchful eye

Posted on Sunday 27 November 2022 @ 21:28 by Captain Melody Jones & Lieutenant Nir’anyar

Mission: Revelations
Location: Tempoarty Office, Deep Space 21
Timeline: MD20 0900
928 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody was back on DS21, having returned from her shore leave on Ba'Ku to be greeted by a stack of PADDs awaiting her approval. The refit of the Merlin was almost complete and a complete inspection of the ship was required before departure and she just so happened to have someone in mind.

She tapped her com badge "Jones to Lieutenant Nir'anyar. Could you join me in my office please? Room 113-A, Habitat ring level 21 section Baker?"

Anya sent a quick reply, dressed as quickly as she could and slipped out of the temporary quarters she had been assigned, not wanting to wake Matthew but at the same time she did leave a note asking him not to leave and that she would be back soon. She left him sleeping, having taken one last look at his boyish good looks and his tousled hair, even sleeping he was more than she could have ever imagined.

In short order she had arrived at the office space that Captain Jones had been working from, smoothing down her uniform before she pressed the chime and awaited the summons to enter the room. Her cheeks still slightly flushed.

Melody called out "Come!"

The doors parted and she strode inside, a smile tugging at her lips still.
"Good morning Captain. How was the getaway to Ba'ku?"

"Good Morning Anya. Please have a seat. The getaway was... interesting." she replied with a smile as she headed over to the replicator. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Tea please," the Benzite said moving across the room to take a seat opposite to the Captains. She was unusually cheerful, even she could feel it through her tone of voice. Matthew was making a mark on her and it was palpable. In a bizarre way she could still feel him against her fingertips, still taste his lips against hers... All she wanted was to be with him. It was a whistle-stop romance and she was enjoying it.
She shook her head, trying to dislodge the memories, forcing her professionalism to resurface. "Interesting good, or interesting bad?"

Melody smiled. "Good interesting. That metapahsic radiation really helps get the baby weight off quickly. I feel like I'm in my twenties again. And the other 'twins' have really perked up, not that we're bothered about that in this day and age." she added with a chuckle. "I might have to come back again. How did you spend your shore leave?"

"Exploring the station and keeping an eye on things around the refit... I did organise a memorial to be placed in the arboretum for those we lost during our last mission". she added, her tone becoming a little forlorn at the memory of Dinslow and what he had done for her and Zirvell. She purposefully chose not to mention Matthew but felt that Caroline may have already said something to others after she and Matthew had bumped into both Mathias and Caroline on the station promenade.

Having picked up a cup of coffee from the replicator, Melody sat down at her desk. "Sound like you had a good time. The Merlin is almost ready for the crew to return so we can start making preparations for departure. I want you to go onboard and compile a report on the repairs and system upgrades and then brief me and the XO."

"Yes sir!" the Benzite said formally, her cheeks flushing slightly violet again. "I'm guessing Caroline told you about Matthew?"

Melody raised an eyebrow in curiosity. She had not had a chance to speak to Caroline yet. A smile spread across her face. "This is the first I'm hearing of this. So, who is this Matthew?"

"Oh... He's a... well, he's a friend!" she said finally pulling the involuntary stammer under control but already noticing the telltale signs that she was not going to get away with that simple an answer. The Human tendencies for gossip still were a marvel to Anya and knowing she would not be able to make a clean getaway at this stage she relented and started to spill all.
"We met at the wedding. He's Mathias's cousin. We've spent some time together on the station, enjoying each other's company in more than a platonic way... turns out Human and Benzite physiology are quite nicely compatible!"

"Just a friend eh? I thought I could see a certain twinkle in your eye and a bounce in your step when you came in." Melody said with a grin. Will you be seeing him again?" she asked innocently.

"Unless he is shipping out with us it is unlikely... He hasn't said anything about transferring onto Merlin though!" she shifted uncomfortably feeling a little under the spotlight, which was something she didn't do well.

Melody smiled "Right. I won't keep you from your duties any longer. I intend to be back on board the Merlin by the end of the day. Once you've completed the inspection, would you please report to me and the XO in the observation lounge. Say tomorrow evening at 1800?"

"Aye ma'am!" Anya said formally as she started to stand already running through a checklist of things she needed to check on before Merlin could ship out, and already considering taking some shore leave as she was one of a handful of officers still on duty through the refit.

●● Lieutenant Nir’anyar
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin

●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin


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