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Through a mirror...

Posted on Friday 2 December 2022 @ 14:46 by Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones

Mission: Revelations
Location: Ba'Ku planet
Timeline: MD 7 1500
1223 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure


After leaving their Cabin, Aurea led Sansa and Hamish back to her Cabin to pick up some items she required to create the portal as well as some provisions for the long walk ahead. Then she had led them on a hike into the mountains to the south of their Cabin, saying near the top was a lake. They had been walking for a few hours now and Sansa was getting tired.

Aurea stopped in a clearing of trees. "We're almost there but we might as well rest here for a few hours, we won't be able to create the portal till it's dark so you can get a few hours of sleep too if you like.

She sat down and took a drink from a bottle. Sansa sat down a bit further away, closer to Hamish, still not fully trusting their guide.

Hamish took a drink from his canteen and then offered it to Sansa, he then looked up towards the sky to ascertain the time of the sun. "I think I shall take a nap, going to need the energy to help you out Aurea. He gazed over towards Sansa, keeping himself at the midpoint between Aurea and Sansa, sort of as if as a buffer.

Sansa did manage to get some sleep but not much she thought to herself. To her surprise, when she opened her eyes again, dusk was setting and Aurea had lit a campfire. She was sitting reading one of her scrolls. Sansa got up, careful not to disturb Hamish. She approached Aurea

As is sense her eyes upon her, Aurea spoke without looking up. "You don't trust me, do you? Look....."

Sansa held up her hand, stopping her. "Please, don't try and fob me off with some half-hearted apology we both know you don't mean. All I ask is that you promise me that you will look after him and love him and if you hurt him, I will find you."

Aurea was about to scoff but stopped as she looked up into Sansa's eyes, seeing the intensity of her gaze. She looked at her for a moment, a bond of respect forming. "You truly care for him... You have my word."

Hamish while he slept, had dreams of Sansa, Esme and Aurea, his brows knitting together, and images of himself in another form cutting through waves without much effort, then seeing Sansa near him then disappearing. He woke up with a start, abruptly sitting up. "Sansa?!" then he looked to see her speaking to Aurea. He noticed that the sun had set, and a fire was lit. He pulled out a ration bar and rose to his feet to join the ladies at the fire. "It's time isn't it?" his voice slightly gruff, feeling turmoil inside his mind. He wanted to see what was on the other side but didn't want to leave Sansa either. He felt strongly drawn to Aurea as well. He handed one of the ration bars to Sansa and then one to Aurea. "You will need the energy."

Sansa accepted the ration bar gratefully, her hand lingering on Hamish's and she caught his eye. A great sadness was growing inside her, knowing she would be parted from him forever but, she also knew this would be his only chance to be with... his people and she would not deny him that.

Aurea stood. "Yes, it's time. Come with me."

A short walk now found the group at the edge of a lake that was still, reflecting the starry sky above like a gigantic water mirror.

Aurea took a deep breath and held out her hand to Hamish. "Take my hand, the words will come to you." As he did she started to chant in a low voice in a language Sansa did not understand but some part of her thought sounded familiar.

His voice blended with Aurea's as the words were spoken, then he started to sing the words, much like how he sang for the whales.

The still water started to bubble and swirl, a small shimmering whirlpool starting to develop that quickly grew to over 2 meters in diameter, breaking down the barrier between this dimension and another.

Aurea smiled. "It worked, come the portal will not last more than 5 minutes. Make your goodbyes quick and come home."

Sansa was trying hard not to cry at this point, tears were bubbling just beneath the surface. She took a step towards Hamish. "I... Love you... I will always love you and I will never forget you."

Hamish drew near and pulled Sansa in close to him, giving her a kiss was it a kiss of goodbye or one filled with promise? It was breaking his heart to do this to Sansa, but he felt the tug towards the whirling portal to another side. "I love you as well Sansa, and I will never forget you either." another kiss then,

"Hamish, we need to go!" Aurea called out her voice filled with urgency.

Hamish nodded and pulled away from Sansa, stepping onto the surface of the water, the edge of the whirlpool pausing as a dome formed over him and Aurea to begin the descent down. Hamish looked at Aurea then towards Sansa, "I can't Aurea, I just can't go with you and not be with her." He pulled Aurea close, kissing her, then he said. "Goodbye." leaping into the water and heading for the shore where Sansa was, fighting against the pull of the whirlpool. He wasn't certain he would make it but with an extreme effort, Hamish made it to shore, turning to see the whirlpool and Aurea disappear. Then he collapsed, going unconscious...

Sansa gathered him up into her arms, tears now running down her cheeks. "Oh my love, why? Why did you do that?" Sansa had the presence of mind to sneak a med kit along with her and she quickly got the medical tricorder out and scanned him. Satisfied that he was not in any danger, just exhausted, she made herself comfortable, cradling Hamish in her lap. She gently stroked his hair.

About fifteen minutes later, Hamish came back to consciousness. He felt some moisture upon his cheeks his eyes fluttered open, finding himself gazing up into Sansa's lovely, beautiful face. "Oh my love." tears began trickling down his cheeks. "I am truly sorry for what I have done. I just couldn't leave you, I just couldn't." reaching up to caress her cheek, then sat up slowly, still feeling the effects of his fight with the whirlpool. "I love you, darling, I truly do."

Sansa lent in and kissed him. "I love you too and know that you are forgiven. Always, completely and without reservation. I could not blame you for wanting to return home but I can not deny I am glad you've chosen to stay here with me."

She wiped the tears from his face. "Can you walk?" Come on let's get you back to the Cabin."

Hamish gave a nod and slowly but unsteadily rose to his feet. He took a moment to make certain he didn't fall then walked with Sansa, one step at a time.


Sansa Draxx-Jones
Marine biologist
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Hamish Teague
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin


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