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Can you fix the replicator?

Posted on Wednesday 29 September 2021 @ 08:33 by Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones & Commander Seklar

Mission: First Contact
Location: The Captain's quarters
Timeline: MD2 1200
980 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure


It was lunchtime and Belle was getting hungry. She was running around Sansa’s feet as she headed to the replicator. She picked up the little pup “Are you hungry girl?”

The puppy let out a tiny woof in confirmation.

“Computer. One bowl of puppy food please.” Sansa asked the computer.

Then suddenly the replication went dark... As did all the lights. The computer beeped. “Unable to comply. The replictor system has lost power.”

“Great.... Just great.” she muttered to herself before tapping her comm badge “Sansa to engineering. Can you send someone to our quarters? The replicator malfunctioned and i’ve lost all power to the lights as well.”

"Seklar here, I am on my way ma'am." Grabbing an engineering kit on his way out, Seklar hurried towards the designated location. Using his over ride, he had the door open and stepped into utter darkness. "Ma'am?" he called out, while having his eyes adjust to the complete darkness.

Sansa had been sat on a chair with Belle in her arms, stood up and moved into the light speaking as she stood. "Yes I'm here, thank you for coming so quickly". The young redhead stopped and looked at him "Oh, hello. You're new onboard? I'm Sansa and this is Belle" She held up the puppy who let out a tiny woof. "She pleased to meet you but she's also very hungry. I'm afraid the replicator went offline as did all the lights."

Seklar stepped back at the sight of the canine, another step as the creature barked at him. "If you can direct me to your replicator, then I will carry out a few diagnostics. Can you tell me what you were doing prior to it malfunctioning?"

"Of course. I was just ordering some lunch for this little one here when suddenly everything went dark." Sansa explained. The little pup let out another woof as if to agree with her. "The replicator is over there, just watch out for the hedgehog habitat. That's mom's pet, she's had him for ages. This little one is mine. She was given to me by... by someone very close to me." Sansa said as she thought of Hayley for a brief moment and smiled to herself.

"So, when did you come onbaord?" She asked him as he worked. "I don't think I've seen you before."

"Two days ago," Seklar answered, while making his way over. Carefully, he removed the faceplate of the device to get to the inner mechanics. He had no real interest in the canine, preferring to stay as far from it as possible. "I cannot find anything wrong with your replicator, perhaps there was a brief interruption in the powerflow that caused it to malfunction."

He put the plate back into place and secured it. "It should function normally," he announced.

Sansa looked around the still dark quarters. "It should... but there's no power.... Are you sure you're an engineer?" She asked with a slight smile on her face.

"I am most definitely an engineer," the Vulcan answered, glancing around her quarters. "However I am not certain the cause of the power disruption is here in your quarters. Unless it was the replicator, in which case power should be restored. Try activating the lights?"

Sansa looked at him for a moment before she spoke "Computer, activate lights and restore power to the replicator."

The lights came back on the replicator hummed into life. Sansa smiled "Well that's the first test. Now for the second, Computer One bowl of puppy food please."

This time the replicator worked and a bowl of food appeared. The little puppy woofed again.

"I think she's saying thank you." Sansa smiled as she put both the bowl and the puppy on the floor who immediately started eating. "And thank you from me too. " Sansa said as she stood up again. "Mom would not have been happy if she had come back to her quarters with no power. You would have been in trouble then."

"Would I?" Seklar simply stared at her. "Why would I have been? Certainly there having been no power was no error of mine."

Sansa raised an eyebrow "If the new engineer can't fix the light in the Captain's quarters, it's not really a good look for their second day on the ship now is it?"

"If the engineer could not have fixed it in her quarters, then the engineer would have continued to look for the cause of the malfunction...elsewhere," Seklar deadpanned.

Sansa laughed. “You know you’re pretty funny for a Vulcan. Well thank you for coming and fixing the problem.”

Belle who had finished her bowl of food now came over and started sniffing His shoes. “I think you’ve made another friend there.” She said as she picked up the tiny puppy.

Seklar jumped back as the pup sniffed his boots. "I am not a dog person," he answered stiffly, clearly not enamoured by the canine. "Nor am I... funny." He gave a slight bow. "Good day ma'am."

Sansa smiled “Well You’re wrong about being funny and she likes you so maybe you’re not met the right dogs. Belle here is as sweet as a little pie. I’ll see you around Seklar.”

Seklar frowned. "Commander Seklar," he corrected her as he made his way towards the door. "And perhaps... but I have no care for canines whatsoever. I have two felines."

Sansa raised an eyebrow in a similar way to her mother. “I’ve seen cats and dogs be friends Commander Seklar so anything is possible….. just like a funny Vulcan.”

"I am not funny," Seklar answered stiffly, "and I do not like dogs. Now, if you will excuse me... I have work to do, in engineering."


Commander Seklar
Chief Engineer
USS Merlin

Sansa Draxx-Jones
Civilian marine biologist
USS Merlin


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