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Some things just are required

Posted on Monday 4 October 2021 @ 17:10 by Lieutenant Nir’anyar & Commander Seklar

Mission: First Contact
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD1, 0830 hours
1305 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Having just missed the briefing, and obviously not knowing there had been one, Seklar had possibly gotten his priorities in the wrong order. He knew reporting in to the commanding officer was a given, but somehow he felt there were a few other hurdles he had to cross first. Such as getting his medical records to the chief medical officer, and inform him or her of a few restrictions he'd given himself from his time as first officer.

Trusting his children to be safe and careful, and responsible enough not to get into trouble, the Vulcan made his way to the ship's sickbay. "Excuse me," he called out, feeling very out of place wearing yellow again instead of the maroon he was used to, "I am looking for the chief medical officer."

"You found her Commander" the Benzite said taking a quick glance at his collar. "Doctor Nir'anyar but everyone calls me Anya... May I help you?"

"You may..." The Vulcan stepped forward, and it was clear from his bearing that he really did prefer not to be in this place. "I am Commander Seklar, I have just been transferred here as chief engineer. I believe a boarding physical is required?" He offered a PADD to her. "My medical records, for you to upload."

"Thank you Commander, and please relax.... as much as a Vulcan can. It is in many way highly illogical for you to be this uncomfortable when you know all it will be are a simple few scans and then you can escape the clutches of the nasty blue Doctor!"
Her words clipped but with an element of mirth that she hoped he would pick up on and likely disregard given he was Vulcan.
She indicated for him to take a seat on the centre biobed while she picked up the nearest Medical Tricorder. "Anything medically I should be made aware of Commander?"

"I am capable of relaxation doctor," Seklar answered, "and as I do not know you, how do you know that I might or might not consider you nasty?" He sat down as indicated and folded his hands in his lap. "Medically, yes," he continued, somewhat absently. "A recently broken bond of sorts, as I was led to believe I was bonded but it was all an illusion. However that may be more psychological than medical..." He paused, trying to draw himself back together. "I am not allowed to be administered with stimulants unless under strict supervision. I would, however, prefer not to be given any under any circumstance. I have a.." He paused, biting his lower lip as he considered his words. This was a stranger to him, and yet he had to trust this stranger as she was the chief of medical on this ship. "A substance abuse history," he finished, "I have not used in quite some time, and I would prefer to keep it that way. The replicator in my quarters should be barred from being able to replicate any stimulants or sedatives." Even though as chief engineer he was more than capable of fooling the system.

"It is a bad joke Commander triggered by your obvious discomfort which for all your Vulcan stoicism and self control you hide as well as a Pakled hides their lack of Intelligence!"
Anya snapped open the tricorder and began running the scanning wand over the man before her. Thankfully medical science had progressed far enough that a medical examination to prove physical capability and readiness for duty was simply just a scan and go and she still had to marvel that people avoided it, case in point being her house call to the Marine Barracks not a few days before. "A slight drop in certain vitamins but that could simply be exhaustion from the travelling. I nice hearty meal should fix that along with rest. You are clear of Duty Commander and I will ensure your medical files are transferred to our database by the end of the day!"

"I have never been able to fully hide how I feel, nor do I see any necessity to do so," Seklar answered, somewhat stiffly, "I was neither born nor raised on Vulcan, I did not learn of my native planet until I was sixteen. I still do not consider it to be home." He sat still as the scans continued. "Traveling with two excitable children can be exhausting," he admitted with a slight smile. Still he frowned, wondering if his admission to substance abuse and replicator limitations had registered at all.

"So be it!" she said equally as clipped now as she was before. The scan she was running she decided to take a little longer with just so she could push the scan a little deeper and check his system for traces of narcotics or intoxicants but thankfully they were coming up as a negative result.
"You are fit and well Commander. However with your admission of the substance abuse and the nature of the ships high priority and status within the fleet I will be scheduling you in with Commander Miller, the ships counsellor. She will be better able to ascertain the level of your... difficulties in this area... with your permission of course!"

Slowly, the Vulcan nodded. "The counselor was next on my list," he admitted, knowing full well she'd been scanning him to determine if he was clean. "I have not used in several months," he explained, "and I would prefer to keep it that way. However as a precaution I would prefer my replicator is unable to produce any such substance, even if it is meant for my children. I have had....mishaps before, even with prescribed medication. I... misread..."

"Computer, restrict Commander Seklar's replicator access to items not on the prohibited or intoxicant lists. Authorisation Nir'anyar Lambda Delta Seven!"
Brazenly and in front of the Commander she announced it, hoping this would put him at ease even if only slightly. She also knew that Vulcans did not like people pussy footing around. "Should your children need anything you will need to direct them to myself, Commander Miller or the Sickbay staff!"

"I understand..." Seklar gave a quiet nod in approval. "Thank you doctor, I appreciate your willingness to accommodate me with this. I would prefer restrictions over a serious risk." He paused. "Do you need to see my children too?"

"That should not be necessary as they are not part of the Starfleet contingent however it wouldn't hurt to have them drop by when you can to see one of the Nurses just to have a few scans completed."
Finally Anya snapped the tricorder closed and moved to place it back on the tool tray a few steps away. "There we go Commander, you are free to go... Unless you have anything further for me?"

Seklar shook his head. "No, I do not believe so. Unless you have further questions?"

"Not from me" she added rather clipped. In truth she was still hurting over her missteps during the last mission and she was worried he had already been made aware of it so she wanted to make this a quick and and out stop for him so she could return to hiding in her office.

But since he had no knowledge of her missteps, he couldn't exactly judge her on anything. "Thank you doctor," he finally said. "If something does come up, you will be the first to know.

"I would hope so Commander!"
Her prickly demeanour standing firm even in the presence of someone twice her rank and Vulcan to boot. "You are dismissed Commander!"


●●● Commander Seklar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Nir’anyar
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin


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