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Chasing Facts

Posted on Tuesday 22 June 2021 @ 13:01 by Lieutenant Nir’anyar

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
790 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Rubbing his arm where he had taken a glancing shot from a Klingon disruptor, while on planet. Mathias thought it best to go get it checked out. He entered in sickbay looking for Anya. Plus he wondered if Anya had heard anything from Caroline too.

"Anya, are you in?"

"In my office Thias!" Anya called out, noticing only afterwards that she had called him Thias and not Mathias. She was about to correct herself but decided against it knowing that if it bothered him he would let her know.
"Thank you for coming down... Did the captain give you any information as to why I needed your help?"

"Actually I hadn't got much information on that. I had come down for you to check on my arm, but hey two birds, one stone right?" stepping into her office. " How are you doing? And what exactly is the information that you've discovered?" the mention of Caroline causing a pang, he was missing her terribly. On occasion he felt he could get a flash of her, and his sleep was troubled with dreams of her being in danger, being captive. His eyes were slightly bloodshot from not having restful sleep.

"Take a look!" she snapped the master systems display behind her desk on and it started to fill with all of the different files and information that had been sent. Gigaquads of information streaming before them. She leaned back, perching herself on the desktop to allow time for Mathias to absorb a fraction of the information. "See what you make of it!"

His jaw dropped at what was revealed, he moved closer to the desk as his eyes scanned over the data. "it looks like there had been a huge amount of research done about a disease, " his scientific interest drawing him in, "Floxiona virus, holey moley, it causes madness, hallucinations? In telepathic species. What would happen if it infects others? And has it done so?"

"I don't know what to make of this... Was Caroline involved somehow?"
Anya was musing and mulling things over, voicing her thoughts as a way to order them but still she was coming up blank.

"There must be a reason why she sent it to you, for help and with how detailed this is. I would think she was involved in the research here." Mathias looking at it even more.

"I don't want to believe she would have been involved in this... Some of what I have read is almost chilling!"
Anya started to scroll through the information, skim reading headings for anything that may jump out at her.

"Look right there," Mathias pointing towards another section. "It looks like there is some progress towards an inoculation but I have no clue as to how long it will take. Plus we really do not want this sort of information to go out to where enemies can use this to wipe out a colony of those who have psionics or even latent psionics." he shivered at the thought.

"Not when we have mirror counterparts of Starfleet Officer running around using ancient man made viral weapons!"
Anya called up the specific details that Mathias had spotted and hoped there would be an audio or video file for them to review.

"Wait" Anya said, her gaze fixed on a specific file she had started to read. "Its not genetic experiments, look at this. Its a group of doctors who were trialing and testing new drugs for starfleet to try find one that worked for the floxaid virus. The genetic experiments are happening on the back of some of the research by another race... No real details here about this other race though!"

His eyebrows raising, Mathias looked at the information more closely, "Woah, okay that is not expected. I wonder how far they had gotten on it? Or if the experiment is still ongoing. This includes the Floxaid Virus cure."

"Do we call the Captain?" Anya asked, feeling even more puzzled than before she had started analysing the data with McPhee.

"I most assuredly feel we do need to call the Captain in on this." gazing at the data once more. Just what was happening here? Mathias was feeling like something more dire was happening here.

Anya tapped her combadge. "Doctor Anya to Captain Jones... Could Lieutenant McPhee and I see you in sickbay please!"

"I'll be back in a few minutes to meet up with you and the Captain." Mathias replied, and then headed out of sick bay.


●● Lieutenant Mathias McPhee
Chief Operations Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Nir’anyar
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin


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