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Angels And Demons

Posted on Thursday 30 March 2023 @ 07:56 by Commander Caroline Miller

Mission: Revelations
Location: Counselling Office - Deck 8
Timeline: TBD
2254 words - 4.5 OF Standard Post Measure


The time had come for the one thing that Pete dreaded while he served in the fleet. That was the psychiatric evaluation, which was mandatory for all pilots annually. He dreaded it for two main reasons; the first being of course that he hated talking about his past and his feelings and assumed it would go away like most men. The other reason was Pete thought that eventually the day would come when he would be removed from the pilot's chair. Thus far he had been successful in talking his way out of it. However, judging by what he had heard about Commander McPhee he did not think he could talk his way out of this one.

The man everyone called Maverick may have his maverick days numbered as he rang the door chime to the office. When he was allowed in he came to attention. "Lieutenant Mitchell reporting as ordered ma'am!"

"Well I am glad you finally got the courage to come down here as another week I was going to get the engineers to program the music from Kenny Logins Danger Zone with a subliminal message saying Psych appointment, psych appointment repeatedly in your office Lieutenant," the blonde stated stepping aside to let him in. "Hupp too,"

"At least it would have been a great song..." Pete said as he took the seat indicated. "I know that all pilots are required to submit for a yearly psychiatric evaluation. So here I am. Fire away with the questions when you are ready Doc." Pete already did not like where this was going. He knew he should have come earlier and he let his pride get in the way. He had to make sure that the Counselor did not pull his wings.

"All members of Starfleet are required, not just pilots," Caroline stated. "Remember it takes all specialties to keep a star ship running to enable you to fly and be that pilot Lieutenant. And everyone has to be of sound mind. Would you like a drink before we start?"

Of course Pete knew that all officers had to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. He decided he would not push the issue, as to why he said what he said. He smiled and cocked his head to the side. "No thank you Counselor." He decided that he had to be there, and the Commander had to do her job. But he did not have to make it easy for her.

Caroline sat down, fully prepared for "typical fly boy/marine/overly macho I know better than everyone else and as I'm ordered here I will do the bare minimum attitude".

"So I'm going to come straight to the point. Some concerns have already been raised about you from the medical team. I can see you lost your father in the battle of Betazed from your records. I can you have managed to avoid doing more than the required annual psychiatric appointment for many years. I'm impressed you managed to get through flight school and there's only the counselor notes I can see here but Nobodies dug very deep into that childhood trauma.

So the concerns were you didn't want a Cardassian to treat you. And your father was killed by Cardassian forces. Seems that there might be some internal issues that need exploring. So I'm ordering you for regular counselling until such time I'm convinced this will not affect your future performance and the harmony of working with others." Caroline informed him.

"I have been going to regular counseling since June of 2392. The incident in Sick Bay was simply because I am a private man. I do not like to share information about myself, especially my medical information with people who do not need to hear it. Now, before you say anything I am aware that a nurse has the right to know the information. I would prefer to share that information directly with the CMO when I first come to a new posting. That is all that was... What was done to my father has nothing to do with it." Pete sat straight back in the chair and looked Caroline right in the eyes. The fact of the matter was if the incident with his father effected the incident in Sick Bay Pete was unaware of it.

“We will get to your father. In time Lieutenant,” Caroline said softer.

Then she said, “The report I had the CMO was called away and the Nurse offered to step up, to clear you for duty and so you could start your shifts. To do the basics. They offered to make your life easier so you did not have to wait further to get on with your job,” Caroline said. “Did the basics require every part of your medical history? Did they say that it was required before you said no to that?"

"No they did not. You know as well as I do what questions are required when the onboarding physical is being performed. Knowing what was ahead I made a decision, and I would stick by it. While we are talking about that day. The Chief Medical Officer knocked crates out of the Nurse's hands. I assisted in picking them up." Pete resented the inference that this was connected to his hatred of Cardassian's. Caroline was right, and deep down he knew that but he resented it. He did not want her to be right.

"So your a gentleman then?" Caroline said noting his uncomfortableness. "That was nice of you."

He was an open book even if he refused to realize what she could see yet. "Well in lieu of how this situation panned out and how its been viewed from all parties I would like to see both you and the nurse in question in a better place. I and the CMO would like you both to smooth things over. Then we can chalk it down to you just both started off on the wrong foot."

Pete shifted his weight in his chair for a moment and pondered the words that Caroline had spoken. "You can say that if you would like. I am sure that you of all people understand that on a star ship where hundreds and in some cases thousands of people serve not everyone is going to get along, and that if people do not get along it is not racism." He really did not believe that what transpired in Sick Bay was racism.

"Okay so my initial assessment that your a gentleman is now in question then. I not exactly asking much here, there's certainly no crates Lieutenant, and it would make the situation better. Despite the size of the ship, you will be surprised just how close quarters living it actually is. So making an effort to get along with everybody is in everyone's benefit," Caroline told him seriously.

He was not ready to agree with the Counselor on how close living it was on a ship this size. In fact Pete was pretty sure he could avoid someone entirely if he wanted or had to. However, he also knew that the Counselor could make life aboard the ship not pleasant for him should she choose to. "I can be professional to anyone regardless of whether or not I like them as a person. That said I will make sure that I am professional in any and all dealings with everyone on the crew." Pete replied just as seriously.

"You could of course but what your doing now is deflecting," Caroline said simply.

"The fact is you could go make things right with the nurse you have upset. Professionally if you are so stubborn as to not concede you have upset him personally. Regardless of the circumstances, regardless of what your true feelings were in the moment or what you intended. You upset that nurse. You have embarrassed that nurse. And you have made that nurse feel belittled in that you deemed him professionally not good enough to do your physical."

"Honestly I do not see how any of that is the case. I have the right to select any of the medical staff to treat me that I see fit, that is unless it is a medical emergency. Choosing one member of the staff over another is not a slight or an embarrassment. It is simply put mu choice... I am here to talk about feelings I believe. So lets talk about feelings. This entire situation I have been railroaded, everyone involved has tried to make this something about the Lieutenant's race. Simply put that is not the case, I prefer to be treated by doctors. If you want to call me an elitist that is fine. However, that is my choice. If my choice upset someone that is their issue and not mine. Now Commander, I believe our time is up." Pete was angry and he was actually fed up with holding it in. This situation was out of control and he had enough of it.

“Actually Lieutenant let’s make one thing clear I am the ONLY person who gets to decide when our times up. I don’t go throwing my weight around flight and your department,” Caroline told him sharply.

“So do not assume you get to call any shots in counselling services. Nor have I signed you off yet.

Although lucky for you I cannot not do so on the grounds of you being a complete and utter snob. I don’t call it elitist Lieutenant. That’s cake fluff. A more elegant word to make you feel better about yourself.”

"Let us continue to get things straight. I am not throwing my weight around in your department. I am not telling anyone under your command what to do or when to do it. I am however, taking control of my own medical care. If I am snob then so be it." That was all he had to say about the matter. He knew that he had to attend counseling, but he felt that the Commander put words in his mouth rather than counsel him. He would seek another Counselor and go to Starfleet Medical to get one if he had to. Pete knew that there were more Counselors aboard the Merlin. He remained standing and at attention, the thought of leaving continued to grow in his mind. However, he was not ready to cross that line just yet.

"Its not about controlling your medical care. And the only people in charge of anyone's medical care is the medical staff. Quite frankly you don't get to pick and choose and you cannot have access to the CMO just because you decide it, any more than I can make demands on you, I could say as chief pilot you should personally fly me in a shuttle for instance if a situation requires I be in one. Should I not trust the people in your team who are also qualified and have spent years honing their skills at the academy and in their career to date?"

"A person's medical care is the only place where they do get a choice. You get to choose who you would like to take care of you, well save if it is an emergency. However, you are right the CMO is not at my beckon call. If he had said something to that effect then I would see your point. But Dr Nir’anyar did not say anything of the sort. I saw he was busy and decided that I would wait for him to become available. Furthermore in your example yes you should trust that the other pilots can take you where you need to be safely. However, if you ultimately decide that you wanted me to do it, then I would have to, because your choice means something." Pete knew that the Counselor would not agree with him, and there would be no way to sway her to agree with him. He still wanted to get his point out.

"At the end of the day we both know, if it ever boils down to a situation where your in serious trouble physically and the only person around and qualified to help you is that nurse, she will be perfectly acceptable to do so then," Caroline said simply. "Just as anyone of your pilots is perfectly acceptable to fly me.

Now you will report to me every 2 weeks going forward. I have set up the schedule. You are signed off on a temporary basis reliant on getting the continued counselling I have outlined with me as your counselor. Break that, your clearance will be rescinded. You are dismissed,"

He would not argue with her sentiment there. Pete agreed in an emergency he may have no choice. However, so long as he had a choice he would not allow the Cardassian to touch him. He gave a curt nod when the order for dismissed came. He turned and left the office without any further word. Pete knew that the next few months were not going to be good for him. The good news was he still had flight clearance, and the bad news was he had to see Commander McPhee to maintain it.


●● Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Chief Flight Control Officer
Commander Air Group
USS Merlin

●●● Commander Caroline Miller
Chief Counselor
USS Merlin


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