
Race against the machine - Joint Mission with USS Andromeda

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

A planet Killer is waking up..... and heading for Bak'u

Start Date Thursday 7 May 2020 @ 21:27
End Date Thursday 3 December 2020 @ 21:27

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Title Timeline Location
A fond farewell
by Commander Caroline Miller & Captain Melody Jones
R&R Day 5 0900 Captains ready room, USS Andromeda
Let the good times roll part 2
by Commander Caroline Miller & Captain Melody Jones & Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones
After Let the good times roll part 1 USS Merlin, The Round Table
Let the good times roll part 1
by Commander Caroline Miller & Captain Melody Jones & Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones
R&R day 4 USS Merlin, The Round Table
Penny for your thoughts
by Commander Caroline Miller & Captain Melody Jones
MD9 1900 USS Andromeda, Ready Room
by Captain Melody Jones
After Planet killer is neutralised Observation room, USS Andromeda
A measure of last resort
by Captain Melody Jones & Major Richard "Wolf" Johnson, Psy.D.
MD9 1220 USS Andromeda, USS Merlin, USS Europa
Dinner for 4 and a bit
by Lieutenant Ricardo Draxx & Captain Melody Jones
MD 8 2000 Amelia and Syvar's quarters, USS Andromeda
Counselors Conference
by Major Richard "Wolf" Johnson, Psy.D.
Current =/\= Andromeda, Medical Deck =/\=
To Kill a Planet Killer Attempt 2 - Quantum Torpedos
by Captain Melody Jones & Major Richard "Wolf" Johnson, Psy.D.
MD9 1200 Bridge USS Merlin, USS Andromeda, USS Europa
Fresh Perspectives
by Major Richard "Wolf" Johnson, Psy.D.
USS Merlin, Wolf's office
Combing through the dark
by Major Richard "Wolf" Johnson, Psy.D.
MD 6 1100 Hrs Millers office
An unusual homecoming
by Major Richard "Wolf" Johnson, Psy.D. & Captain Melody Jones
MD 5 1700 =/\= USS Merlin, Bridge =/\=
To KO a Planet Killer attempt 1 (Phasers)
by Captain Melody Jones
MD5 14:00 Andromeda Bridge, Merlin Bridge, Europa Bridge
Avengers Assemble!
by Captain Melody Jones
MD3 0845 USS Andromeda Transporter room 3
Back in the Saddle
by Major Richard "Wolf" Johnson, Psy.D.
=/\= Runabout Cortez =/\=
The final boundry
by Captain Melody Jones
MD4 0230 ShuttleCraft 01, USS Andromeda, USS Merlin
The Merlin Arrives
by Captain Melody Jones & Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & Commander Caroline Miller & Lieutenant Marbim Rejal
MD3 0830 USS Merlin / USS Andromeda
Catching up with Amelia
by Captain Melody Jones
MD5 2100 The Round Table
Answering the call
by Captain Melody Jones & Lieutenant Marbim Rejal
MD2 0930 USS Merlin enroute to Sector 715

Mission Summary

The Merlin has responded to a distress call and a summons from the USS Andromeda. The USS Andromeda following a recent distress call makes their way to coordinates it originated from to discover a planet is pieces and a planet killer just sat there. Before they can work out what has happened the Planet killer powers up once more and starts moving. It starts to act weirdly only consuming small moons, not interested in the Andromeda. It consumes just enough to power it to plow forward in the direction of the Briar patch....
And Baku!