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Posted on Friday 12 November 2021 @ 17:07 by Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones

Mission: First Contact
Location: The Runabout USS Columbus
Timeline: MD 7 0930
1666 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure


The Runabout had left the planet that morning, about 30 minutes ago and they were now well on their way to rendezvousing with the Merlin. It would still be a day or two before they reached them.

Sansa and Mathias were the only ones onboard the Runabout. They had not spoken since they had left the planet. Although silent, Sansa could tell He was in pain. She could almost feel the it coming off him in waves, it was that severe.

Once they were a distance away from the planet, she turned to him and spoke "Hamish... There's something I need to tell you... About what happened to Esme."

Hamish had concentrated on them leaving the planet, he had to otherwise they would have an accident. He had promised the Captain that he would make certain Sansa made it back. He was miserable. He couldn't help it, he lost her again. He turned his eyes towards Sansa and nodded, then back towards their pathway.

Sansa stood from her seat and came to crouch down next to him. She reached out and put a hand on his cheek, her eyes shimmering green slightly for a moment. "You see, she's not gone, not really... This is what happened."

His head snapped back towards Sansa. "Wait what?"

Then, she began to speak.

In The Etheria, the past

Sansa stood and watched as the other left, leaving her alone with Esme. She approached and sat on the steps in front of her seat. “Are you ok?”

Esme’s image faded slightly for a moment before returning to normal, and she looked as Sansa, saddened “I don’t have much time. Owan and the others… They’re all afraid of me. I don’t blame them; they haven’t encountered one of my kind in a very long time.”
Esme started to cry at this point. “I'm scared Sansa. Everything I am, everything I know will be lost and Hamish, I’m going to lose him again.”

Sansa felt Esme’s pain. She also knew that Hamish would be devastated by losing her again. She reached out and held her hand. “I wish there was something, anything I could do.”

Esme looked up at her, hopefully. “There may be a way, but I warn you… This will change who you are and, there could be risks….”

Without hesitation, Sansa replied, “Tell me how!”

Esme looked around and moved closer to Sansa. “I’m going to tell you a story. A long, long time ago, many the Elders… As we are now called, left this planet in search of other intelligent life. On many planets we found nothing but, on one, we found a race that was similar to us, intelligent and peaceful. They also inhabited the ocean. The vessel the elders used malfunctioned. Faced with dying on an alien world far from home, they used this method to pass on their essence, knowledge and experience. They had the ability to merge with another living being, an ability that apparently has been lost over the ages. I… I could merge my consciousness, my essence with you. We would become one being, not even the council would be able to tell. Unlike before where we were two inhabiting one body, we would become one. You and I would cease to exist as we are now, and be reborn anew.”

Sansa listened to this story with great interest. Finally, after a moment’s contemplation, she spoke “Then do it, merge with me. It’s the only way for Hamish to be with you. I don’t think he could stand the heartbreak of losing you again. You say this has been done before?”

A smile played on Esme’s lips “Not with a human but how do you think the Humpback’s evolved to communicate with us in the Etheria?”

Sansa’s eyes went wide as she realised what she was saying. She then nodded “Do it.”

“Are you sure? As I said, what you are now and what I am now will be no more. We will become a blending of us both.”

Sansa nodded again.

“You love him, don’t you?” Esme asked gently.

Sansa thought for a moment. “Hamish? Yes,” She said as she realised the truth “Yes I do.”

“Your courage and conviction honour me, Sansa. Very well. Just one thing. Don’t tell the council what I have done, since they have lost this ability it is better that it remains lost, and they would only make your life complicated. As I said, they will be unable to tell what has transpired. Just tell them, tell them I faded into nothing. That is what they are expecting so who are we to disappoint them. Are you ready?”
Sansa nodded.

Esme held her arms open and smiled warmly at her. “Then please, come here.”

Sansa embraced Esme who started to glow. Brighter and brighter. Sansa was forced to close her eyes as Esme glowed brighter, then she suddenly evaporated into a swirling cloud that surrounded Sansa. She gasped as the cloud was drawn into her body.

A thousand images and emotions flooded her brain. She could feel her essence merging with Esme.

When she opener her eyes, she breathed out slowly as she was filled with an enlightenment... a wonder... an excitement... a new wisdom... a new peace...

Sansa now looked around the room, which was still the same, yet seemed familiar. She walked confidently to the door, pausing just before she exited to compose herself.

The Runabout, the Present

Sansa finished her story and waited for Hamish to respond.

Hamish was gobsmacked, it was the only word that would fit. He opened his mouth but no words came out, then finally he softly said. "You, her?" he drew in a deep breath, "Oh Sansa, Esme. Sansa. You did this to save Esme, and to save me, well save us?" holding up three fingers representing the three of them. "I had no idea. I am very humbled, and feel unworthy of what you have done, Sansa." reaching out towards her cheek, running a thumb across it. "What do we do now? Can we continue on as friends? Will this change us, the developing relationship?"

Sansa took a deep breath. "I know what I did was impulsive, even reckless but there wasn't a lot of time, Esem would have died but now she lives on a part of me. What I did was not motivated by anything sinister or for personal gain but by love, and both Sansa and Esme felt you are worth the risk.
Also, we both found something in the other that has made us complete. Before, both Sansa and Esme were wounded but, with this joining, I have been healed and have grown. Our sorrow has been turned to joy, Loneliness to belonging. It's still me, Sansa," She said with a loving smile "But at the same time, I'm also Esme. I remember my life in the Etheria, I remember falling to Earth, I remember you saving me. I also remember how we made love underneath the stars, I can remember the look of pain on your face when I had to leave you then... But it is said that a person is defined by their actions, not their memories., and I want my actions to prove my dedication to you."

She sighed "What we do now is up to the both of us. I very much want our relationship to continue to develop but know that I would never want to do anything to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable. Also, you must know of my feelings towards you... I hope in time that you will share them." She lent forward and kissed him gently.

Hamish was feeling so many emotions at war within himself. He returned her/their kiss, he wanted to scoop Sansa into his arms and kiss her until they both couldn't breathe but there was that change. He wasn't angry at Sansa for what happened, what she did. "Sansa, Esme. What do I call you? I do not know what to do in this instance." he was just so out of his depth at this time. "You are now what could be called a changeling. Not in the essence of the Founder's but... something from Faerie Tales and Mathias would be able to help figure this all out. Sort of like two beings together in essence?" giving a sigh. "We need to proceed with this at a slow pace. If you don't mind." a confused and yet happy expression in his eyes.

Sansa nodded. "Sansa will do just fine." She moved back and nodded, her sadness showing in her eyes. "I understand, this is not easy for you." She smiled, trying to be cheery. "Tell you what, give me 5 minutes then join me in the aft cabin. I'll go prepare us some breakfast."

"Okay that sounds like a wonderful idea." Hamish said, giving a bit of a smile.

Sansa walked into the aft cabin and approached the replicator. She began programming in breakfast for them both. Suddenly from behind her a hand came around and clamped over her mouth while at the same time she felt a knife at her throat.

A familiar voice spoke in a low and deadly tone "Scream or do anything stupid and I'll kill you this instant. Now, I'm going to remove my hand and I want you to turn around slowly. No sudden movements, remember I still have the knife."

Remaining calm, Sansa slowly turned around and found herself looking into the eyes of someone she knew. She smiled, knowing exactly who and what this person was. Sansa's mother had warned her before she left the Merlin.

"Hello, Amelia...."



Sansa Draxx-Jones
Marine Biologist
USS Merlin

MU Amelia Fox
NPC Jones

●● Lieutenant Hamish Teague
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin


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