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A Quiet night

Posted on Friday 15 October 2021 @ 19:51 by Captain Melody Jones

Mission: First Contact
Location: Melody's quarters, USS Merlin
Timeline: MD4 2200
348 words - 0.7 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody sat alone in her quarters, some piano music playing softly in the background. Draxx was working a late shift that evening and Melody always liked to see him before she went to bed.

There had been something of a panic earlier as when she was cleaning out the hedgehog habitat, She had put Nibbles on the floor to stretch her legs and get some exercise, the little spiky mammal had disappeared. Melody had spent the last hour looking for her, getting to the verge of tears (which was probably more due to the pregnant hormones) before she found her curled up asleep in one of Melody's boots.

She had placed the snoozing hedgehog back in her habitat and had put on some music to relax. She was laid back in her recliner chair with her hands on her baby bump. The twins seemed to be sleeping in there but now and then, one of them shifted.

A soft whining noise got Melody's attention and she looked down to see Belle sitting looking up at her with a sad expression on her little puppy face.

"You miss Sansa?" Melody asked in a quiet voice as she picked up the pup and sat her down next to her. The little pup gave Melody's baby bump an experimental sniff then a gentle lick before resting a paw on there gently and looking at Melody.

"You're a clever little pup aren't you? I'm sure the boys are going to love to meet you." Melody said as she stroked the puppy's head. Belle gave her hand a lick before resting her small head on her baby bump as if to protect its precious contents.

Melody sighed "I miss Sansa too. Don't you worry, she'll be back soon. Hopefully, Draxx will be back soon." She added, unable to shake a melancholy feeling that had come over her. Maybe a cup of hot chocolate would cheer her up.

"Computer. One mug of hot chocolate."


●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin


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