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Renewed Acquaintance

Posted on Tuesday 16 November 2021 @ 07:06 by Commander Caroline Miller & Major David Scarlet

Mission: First Contact
Location: Councilors Office
1173 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


He crisply walked into the familiar setting and sat down in the familiar chair across from a familiar face. His hands were pressed into loose fists on his lap and his back was as straight as ever.

"Major Scarlet reporting as requested." He maintained direct eye contact with the councilor as he spoke. "It's good to have you back Commander Miller." The last line felt unusual to him. But then, it'd been an unusual time.

"Thank you. Its good to be back," Caroline said. "So I as I understand it you decided to dodge Roger trying to do your sessions in my absence?" she asked with an amused smile. "Something about me that's easier to talk to?"

Scarlet tried to hide the smirk on his face, but probably failed. "He was too anxious and assumed because he was a councilor that I should trust him. Not the case. Also, he gave up too easily."

"You know me. You have taken the time to listen and while I don't agree with half of what you say I've come to respect you enough to listen." Scarlet continued. Truth was it just wouldn't have been the same sitting there across from someone else.

"To be fair he was dropped in it and trying his best. I'm sure you were on the list to hound again," Caroline said. "So then David. What have I missed?"

The man shrugged. "A fair bit, are we talking official or unofficial?"

Caroline grinned, "Both. Go on lay it all on me."

"I've been... trying to be more personable." Scarlet said after a moment. "It's not easy caring or pretending to care about every person and their problems. A sentiment I am sure you understand."

"I find that most emotions take work sometimes," she said musing on it for a moment. "And yes it can be difficult but for me its about helping people. I think deep down there is a part of you who cares. You just are not the sort of person who opens up to things like that easily. Or navigates it. We can't all do that easily.

And your also a very efficient person, so the feelings and thoughts stuff that can cause obstacles. Its not what you want, slowing down getting what you need done. Am I anywhere close there?" she asked.

Scarlet pondered her words, mulled them over in his mind for a silent moment before replying. "Yes. I want the facts and I want things to proceed. Emotions can make things complicated for no reason."

He paused for a moment. "Don't think I'm going Vulcan or anything. But, being friendly is tiring and while it does get results, so does just giving orders."

“But there’s a difference now. You are trying. That’s wonderful David. It really is. Ordering someone is one thing but taking stock of your staffs and colleagues feelings and situations. It helps build teamwork and trust much more than expecting someone to blindly follow.

Look at your interaction with Roger Bumble. You didn’t know him and didn’t respect, value … pick an adjective him enough to follow orders.”

"Even with taking orders, someone has to earn the position to allow the authority. Bumble didn't earn that. He came across as trying to simply trade on what you'd earned of your authority and value." Scarlet paused for a moment before continuing. "Take for instance Lance Corporal Bijoux; her first instinct was to lash out. Yet since then she's shown her value as a soldier and team mate."

"And before you go there, value doesn't equate to rank." Scarlet said quickly. "Bumble could have been a captain and how he presented himself would have gotten the same reaction."

"He got that reaction as you didn't know him, you didn't trust him and you didn't like him yes?" Caroline said quoting his own words back to him. Roger had of course told her in detail his interaction with David to date. "You didn't want to give him a chance. Nor did you give him any opportunity to earn as you say "value". This was a good example where taking stock of the feelings and situation would have helped matters not hindered it. He was thrown in at the deep end with me disappearing and trying to follow orders. Give Roger a chance to show his value as a counselor and a person to you too. I don't want to have to assign another team building activity but ..." she looked him squarely in the eye, "You know I will if I have too."

"No need for threats doc." Scarlet said as he stiffened in his seat. Memories of that horrible cake were still fresh in his mind. "Fine, I won't dodge Bumble. But I am not accepting him as my therapist. That's your burden to bear in all of this."

"Oh I would never wish to hand you to Roger. I like you David and I believe there's a person in there that just needs a little help navigating the emotional side and aspect of things. I'm going to help you with that. I know you will begrudgingly but we have plenty of time," she smiled at him.

"So how are the marines?" she asked deciding to tread into his world. He was far more comfortable there.

"They're coming together well." Scarlet replied as he let out a relaxing breath. "Their training is teaching them their own strengths as well as getting them to depend on each other."

"I do... enjoy... seeing people reach their full potential and getting them there." He'd hesitated with the words, like he had to think of the proper things to say and make sure they were right.

"That is wonderful and deep down your really do care. Don't worry I won't let anyone know," she winked at him.

"What about integrating the marines with the rest of the Starfleet crew. That's always a fun one isn't it? It shouldn't be like this but usually there's this whole us vs them thing. Silly rivalries and likely misunderstandings. As you have had a foot in both worlds you have the opportunity to do something brilliant here I feel. Bring everyone together."

Scarlet paused and gritted his teeth. "I agree, and it is something I've begun talking to the CTSO about. Having some of the marines accompany the rounds. There shouldn't be any rivalries or foolishness. And it won't be tolerated on my watch. We need professionals, not clowns."

"Oh agreed," Caroline said. "I'm sure you will have them all working harmoniously in no time. If not refer then for team building exercises," she grinned at him.

"I'm sure that was covered by the Geneva convention under cruel and unusual punishment." Scarlet said with a grin. "I'll take it under consideration."


* Major David Scarlet
Marine Company Commander
USS Merlin

●●● Commander Caroline Miller
Chief Counselor
USS Merlin


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