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The lifts were working fine...

Posted on Tuesday 20 July 2021 @ 16:41 by Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: Turbolift 6
Timeline: MD10 1900
1716 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Sansa was coming back from the arboretum with Belle. She had taken the small pup out for her usual evening walk and now they were heading back to her quarters for some food. Several male crew members acknowledged her as she walked down the corridor with smiles and polite nods. Partly because she was the Captain's daughter and partly because she was a tall, beautiful redheaded young woman in her short skirt with long legs.

Sansa had not even thought about getting into another relationship, after Hayley had left the ship she'd been a bit of an emotional wreck but she felt she had recovered. She was focusing on her upcoming mission with Lieutenant Teauge. Hamish was an unusual one. At first, he had come across as an arrogant, self-absorbed oaf and he had certainly not ingratiated himself to her mother, but she was finding he had more layers. He was certainly enthusiastic about Humpback whales, that much was clear.

She boarded the turbolift and addressed the computer "Deck 2 Captains quarters."

The turbo lift started moving up but then, much to her dismay, it jolted to a sudden stop... between decks. Belle let out a little whimper. She patted her on the head "Don't worry Sweetie, we'll get out of this somehow."

First of all, she tried the control panel on the wall next to the door but after working it for several minutes nothing was happening. She let out a sigh "Look's like we're going to need some help here."

She tapped her comm badge. "Engineering. One of the Turbolift cars has failed in shaft 6. I'm stuck just below deck 4 and the doors won't open. Could you send someone to get me out please?"

She then sat down and lent against the wall with a sigh, the small pup curling up on her legs.

Hearing the call for assistance, Jack quickly tapped his combadge, “Macgyver here, I’m on deck 3. I’ll get to the turbolift and fix things” he called down to engineering as he hurried off toward turbolift shaft 6.

As he reached the shaft, Jack manually opened the doors and carefully looked down into the shaft, “ah there it is. Now, let’s see what the problem is” he said, talking to himself. Grabbing a safety harness, he quickly secured himself to a hard point inside the shaft before diverting main power around the shaft.

Swinging himself into the shaft, Jack started to climb down toward the disabled turbolift car. As he got close enough, he pulled out a hyperspanner from his tool belt and gave the roof of the car a couple of knocks before tapping his combadge, “hello? Anyone home?”

Sansa was starting to nod off but several things work her. The first was the knocking sound which in turn start Belle roofing. Then she heard a voice over her com badge. She stirred. “Yes I'm here, but I would really like to get out of here.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll have you out of there in no time.” Jack said as he started to manoeuvre himself to get to the escape hatch on the roof. Leaving the com channel open, he figured he could use it to keep whoever was in the lift calm while he worked, “so, what’s your name?”

Sansa did not have much experience with the engineering staff, in fact, her venture into engineering with Fay had been her only trip there so far. Still, the young mand voice did not sound familiar. "I'm Sansa." There was a small woof that came over the comm "And this is Belle. She's pleased to meet you too. And you are?"

“Chief petty officer MacGyver, but you can call me Jack” Jack replied as he quickly checked the safety clamps were in place before climbing on top of the car. Using his hyperspanner, he released the locks around the emergency escape hatch and lifted it off. Laying down on his belly, Jack poked his head into the car, “G’day, come here often?”

She gave him a deadpan look. "Very funny." She studied his face for a moment before she got to her feet. The first thing she handed him was Belle. "She'll sit still, just put her down carefully."

Reaching down, Jack gently grabbed Belle by the scruff of the neck and lifted her out, placing her next to him on the roof, “stay” he said before turning back for Sansa.

After she was satisfied he had put Belle down safely, she held up her hands for him to pull her up. As she ascended through the roof hatch, two things happened. One, the back of her top caught on a sharp piece of metal and with a ripping sound, it cut clean through the material, causing her top to fall off, revealing her bra underneath. If that wasn't bad enough, she lost her balance and fell, landing on top of him in a heap, her cheeks turning the same colour as her hair as she froze with embarrassment on top of him.

Looking into her eyes, Jack gave a smile, “well, that’s one way to leave a turbolift” he said as he studied her face. He was a little taken aback by her beauty and in any other situation he’d probably ask her out, but he had to keep things professional. As he lay there with a stunning woman pinning him down, he kept a hand on top of Belle so he knew where she was, “so…..I’d offer you my jacket but I’m afraid I’m a little pinned down at the moment”

After a moment, Sansa got off him and looked at the now ripped top and sighed. "I really liked this top." She then wrapped it around her, managing to tie it at the back. "Hmmmmm, not bad. I think this will work till I get back to my quarters. "Thanks for the rescue Jack." She added as she picked up Belle, who let out a small woof. "Yes, I know you're hungry. I've got you to feed and Mom's hedgehog." she said to the small pup. "We have to climb a ladder now?" She asked looking up to the open door that was several feet above them.

“Well, there is always the Jefferies tubes” Jack said as he got to his feet and brushed himself down, “but I’m sure the Captain wouldn’t approve her daughter crawling through the ship half naked” Jack then turned around and started working on the turbolift car by by pulling out a tricorder from his tool kit and scanning the car, “hmm…”

A small smile played across her lips. "What makes you think I don't spend my free time crawling through the ship naked?" She managed to keep a straight face for a few moments, but then erupted into a fit of laughter. After she had managed to stop laughing, She came back closer to him and peered at his tricorder. "So what's the prognosis?"

“It seems the car lost its connection to the main computer so the emergency brakes kicked in. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong mechanically, so this must be a software problem. Unless…” Jack answered before hopping down into the car. Pulling off the touch interface, he shone a palm beacon into the wall and looked around, “Aww, you little bastard, how the hell did you get there” he said using his empty hand to reach inside.

"What? One little Tribble broke the turbolift? She said as she watched Jake try and dislodge the Tribble from the power conduit.

After a moment of struggling, Jack pull a Tribble out from the wall of the car, “got ya. I can understand why the Klingons hate you little pricks” he said before shoving the small ball of fur into the leg pocket of his pants, “well that’s a new one to add to the maintenance requests. Replace turbolift car due to tribble damage”

Sansa looked at the furry little ball and thought it was cute. Belle sniffed the furry little ball and thought it was food. "Well, this is certainly been an educational evening but this one is getting hungry." She said, indicating Belle. She looked down the Jefferies tube and paused. "You know I'm now too familiar with the Jefereies tube layout on this deck. I think I'll take the ladder. She secured Belle inside her makeshift fasten top and started to climb. She looked over her shoulder "Are you coming?"

“Yea yea, hold your horses” Jack replied as he packed up his tools and began to climb. As he looked up he saw that Sansa wasn’t wearing the uniform pants he was used to others he’d work with wearing and quickly looked away. Giving her a few seconds head start, Jack figured that should give her enough time to climb out of the shaft before he’d have to look up at where he was going again.

She finally exited the lift shaft onto deck 4. She turned and offered him her hand. "Tell you what. How about I say thank you for getting me out of that turbolift by getting you a drink in the round table when you come off shift?"

Accepting the hand up, Jack thought about the offer for a moment before giving Sansa a nod, “sure, why not. Might as well see what kind of swill this ship has on hand”

She broke into a smile. "Perfect. I'll meet you in the Round Table at 2100." she looked down at her puppy. "Come on Belle, let's get you home." and she headed off down the corridor.

Taking a deep breath as Sansa walked off, Jack shook his head before turning around and sealing off the turbolift shaft. He’d need to get a few of the engineers together to work on the car so locking the doors should stop any civilians from falling into the shaft, “well well Jon, drinking with the Captain’s daughter? You do like to live dangerously” he said to himself before he headed for another turbolift to return to Engineering.


Sansa Draxx-Jones
NPC Jones

>>>* Chief Petty Officer Johnathan "Jack" MacGyver
Engineering Specialist
USS Merlin


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