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This won't go the way you think!

Posted on Friday 18 June 2021 @ 18:25 by Captain Melody Jones & Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: Captain's ready room
Timeline: MD10, 0930
958 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure


"Come in." Melody called out upon hearing her door chime. "Ahh, you must be our new science officer." She added smiling as the doors opened. "Please have a seat, Lieutenant Teague."

Melody sat back down behind her desk. "I hope you're settling in alright," Melody said as she looked him over, picking up some urgency in his movements. "Tell me, what brings you here today?" she asked, leaning back in her chair.

Hamish stalked his way into the CO's office. "Captain, I beseech you to have someone else go on this science mission and leave Sansa behind. I will not and can not work with that little girl. She is difficult to work with and I do not feel she can handle the job that is being needed!" he fumed.

Melody's smile vanished and she slowly sat forward in her chair. She looked at him for a moment then spoke in a tone that was quiet, but deadly serious."Lieutenant..... As you are new aboard this ship, I'm going to cut you a little leeway and let you re-think those badly chosen words. Firstly, you will not speak of any member of this crew in such a derogatory fashion again. As Starfleet officers, we do not let our personal feelings get in the way of our professional obligations or our duties, Is that clear? The fact that Sansa is..."

The door chime sounded again, interrupting Melody. "Hold that thought..." She added before calling "Come!"

The door opened and Sansa came charging in. She quickly came to a stop when she saw who was already there.

"Sansa! I'm glad you're here. This concerns you, have a seat please."

Sansa quickly took the seat next to Hamish, casting him a quick sideways glance but saying nothing to him.

Melody turned back to Hamish. "Now, Lieutenant you were saying?"

"I wanted to lodge a complaint against Miss Sansa, I do not feel she is capable of being part of the upcoming mission. I feel that it wouldn't be appropriate for her to go. Even though she was given the Doctorate. I feel she has not enough experience to complete the mission. " Hamish taking full note of the Captain's warning.

"And I have the feeling that the Lieutenant has quite the library." Sansa shot back, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, "All those books he must have read, just by looking at their covers. He seems to blame me for his lack of current opportunities in his own career. And he was rude to me! I think he should be transferred back to Starfleet and we get a more professional science officer..."

Melody held up her hand. "Enough. I will not tolerate this behaviour, even from you." She looked at Sansa. "You both are going to have to put your egos aside and learn to work together. Lieutenant Teague will be going on this mission with you and..." she turned back to Hamish "Your request to have Sansa removed from the mission is denied. Whatever personal troubles you two have, I want them resolved and fast. Am I understood?

Sansa started to protest. "But M..."

Melody silenced her with a look, holding up her finger. "Understood? Now, I'll see you later and we can talk." Her demeanour softened and she smiled at her. "Right now I need a private word with the Lieutenant who will come to see you afterwards."

Sansa nodded, knowing better than to argue with Melody. She understood that she was trying to separate her personal and private life. Sansa turned and left.

Melody turned her attention back to Hamish. "Do you have a problem with any of that Lieutenant?"

Hamish flinched, he felt like he had just stepped into something, and that he was in so much trouble with the captain. His face paled. "Er.. no Captain Jones."

"Before you go Lieutenant, there is something I want to tell you, off the record." Melody said as she stood and came around to his side of the table, placing her comm badge on it. "Officially, as the Captain of this ship, I am ordering you to work professionally with Sansa on this mission. However, you should know that I am her mother and she is my firstborn child. Maybe you should take that into consideration the next time you come storming into my ready room because as her mother, she is one of the most important people in my life and if anything should happen to her, the galaxy will become a pretty small place for the person who wronged her as I will hunt them down and focus all my energies into making their existence a living hell, and this is not just the pregnancy hormones talking I can assure you."

She then picked up her comm badge and reattached it. "Good, now that we're on the same page, I want you to find Miss Draxx-Jones, apologise and find some way you two can set your differences aside and work together. I can assure you I Will have a similar conversation with my daughter. Is that clear?"

Hamish was feeling like he was going to have a heart attack, oh he was in so much trouble. "Sorry, I didn't know I er... Mathias didn't tell me, I should have done research..." his voice faltered he didn't quite know what to say. He had woken up the mama bear in the Captain. "Ma'am, I'll go apologize right away." he gulped.



●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

Sansa Draxx-Jones
NPC Jones

●● Lieutenant Hamish Teague
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin


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