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Flight Control Status

Posted on Monday 24 May 2021 @ 07:20 by Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: Flight Deck, Flight Control
Timeline: Timeline: MD7 1205 hour 23951012
626 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Sav was taking a breather in Flight Control. They had just got the port fighter bay doors cleared and operational. Several fighters were now standing by.

However, as the ship was still in dire straights, the Talons hidden out in the planetary system remained silent, and would, until Sav or the CAG gave them a coded message to break that silence. She took a grateful sip of the hot coffee set before her as well as a bite of the Panetone set out for anybody wandering by.

She looked over the logs in what she was involved in. Was there anything she could have changed? Could have helped with? Sav looked over the logs.


At 1000 hours on 23951010 (MD5), when the Merlin arrived at Ceit Beta 4, the Class 6 communications probes were launched into geo orbit for keeping the going to setup ground team with the Merlin. Miles and his team went down to make contact. Once that contact was made, the Runabouts and Type 11 Shuttles went into action.

Next, after the forward base was setup at 1600 hours, the Class 5 probes launched and landed where the ground team deemed them necessary. So far, everything was looking good. And, with Sav at in flight control, she had them send another Class 5 Probe towards a moon to land. That one would gather data continuously from the other probes and record them, for just in case.

And, fortunately for the Merlin, that backup recording probe came in handy. Right at 2302 a mysterious probe appeared from under cloak. It managed to have the Merlin's access codes and to infiltrate their systems and effectively shut the ship down.

Now, with the Merlin effectively useless, the other probes, no longer finding the Merlin, began sending their data to the new command probe. Someone on planet, though, knew the standard ops by Federation Starships and so took out the Class 6 probes. And, while they should have missed the Class 5 probes as those were not standard StarFleet ops, those two were taken out. Exactly when and how was not to be known by the Merlin, but would be known by the Class 5 on the moon.

Unfortunately, at the same time, intruders boarded the ship and began wreaking their havoc. The fighter bay doors were blasted, but only minimal damage had been done to the regular flight deck bay doors. On 23951011 (MD6) at 0330 hours she was able to send out the two stealth Talons to go to the moon to began tracking for other ship path emissions and any cloaking activity. They would report to the Merlin once all systems were back up. However, as the virus had really hit the computer and communications hard, those were still not working.

At her end, besides repairs and helping wherever she could, Sav had been working on making a Class 6 Comm Probe to employ Class 5 Stealth tech so she could launch some comms probes with a less likely chance of them being taken out. Then, just as makeshift comms became functional, the good news came in on 23951012 (MD7) at 0903 that Melody had been rescued.


Sav sighed. It looked like she had covered everything. She looked over the telltales from the bridge. Ensign Tukarksi looked like he was handling the orbit just fine. Sav knew if she was needed on the bridge, Mathias would immediately call for her. She rested in her chair, settling into a light doze, while the staff around her let her be. She had been doing all she could to help in those areas she could, and had been pushing herself harder than her staff. She deserved this respite.

The time was 1210 hours. Unbeknownst to Flight Control, Melody was back on board and in a meeting in her ready room with Miles and Mathias.



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