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Flight Control Planning for FOB

Posted on Sunday 25 April 2021 @ 11:07 by Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: 1st Shuttle Bay CFCO Office
Timeline: 23951007 - MD 2 1000
487 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure


Sav was going over the mission notes from the FOB planning meeting. The mission was going to use 4 Arrow runabouts, but piloted by Marines/Security, two to be used for Medical Surgery/Treatment and two for Science/Medical Labs. Then there were to be 4 type 11 shuttle for Security, 2, one for triage/counseling, and one for patient overflow. Of course, this did not take into account any other shuttle/runabout details, this was just for the forward base of operations.

The Flight Control roster consisted of 19 Pilots, 103 enlisted command and specialists, along with 12 deck officers and their associated 69 enlisted command and specialists. The senior chiefs had piloting as part of their repertoire, so that could help in a pinch.

With their compliment of aux craft, they could handle several aux duties. Of those craft, the Merlin had two Venture Scouts, so Sav assigned 2 of her FCO's to stand by to perform reconnaissance sweeps of the planet for further details. If needed for escort, she could contact the CAG Commander, an equal ranking to Melody, to provide escort. Her teams worked with the CAG enlisted for servicing craft, as well as her pilots did the shuttle/runabout flying for transfer of pilots at bases, so she thought a few well placed liquor bribes could handle that.

The probes were all at the ready, so it was now up to Melody to implement what the team had come up with, or not. Melody had the ultimate say over what was deployed or not deployed according to her mission parameters.

It wouldn't hurt to have two Arrows and two type 11's on standby with her pilots at the ready.

As for herself, she would probably be on duty with the Merlin for Alpha, her assistant for Beta, and senior Pilot for Gamma. Normally, with 21 total flight controls Officers, 2 hour shifts was the normal to get everyone with flying time, but during critical missions, the main three took over with the others handling aux craft and back up for the main three.

As the Merlin was a Space Control Craft, her crew was prepared for running the scouts and aux craft for specific fleet control missions. The CAG group was also fully manned, as well as there being a full company of Marines on board. The CIC was designed to encompass a full 16 light years of information for warfare battle of a fleet engaging an area, with craft support, and hence why the Excalibur Carrier class was created, to hold and area of space and coordinate Starfleet vessels in a mission for holding, taking, or defending an entire area with best use of resources.

Well, everything looked good so far, so Sav sealed up the information and sent it to Melody's Captain's terminal marked mission specific parameters. She leaned back into her chair, stretched, and took a sip of her coffee. She wondered what Miles was up to for lunch...



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