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Marine Operations

Posted on Wednesday 17 March 2021 @ 14:50 by Major David Scarlet

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: Marine Country
Timeline: Sometime after initial briefing
2557 words - 5.1 OF Standard Post Measure


After he had met with Zoey, catching up on old times, Mathias determined it was time for him to go check out the area he'd not been to yet. And that would be what has been referred to, as Marine country. The place where men and women have trained to be their utmost best, to be the first to go into a rather difficult and rather harsh environment. Some say that Marines are not necessary with Star Fleet not being warfare driven but instead being more on promoting peace. However, much like the wars in days gone by, to acquire peace, the Marines were needed and necessary. The turbo-lift door opened and Mathias stepped out into the corridor, walking quietly towards where he might find Scarlet. Maybe in his office? Mathias would check that out first. He stopped a couple of Marines asking where he'd find Scarlet's office or for that matter, where he could be. Directions given Mathias went on his way.

Scarlet was busy reviewing the inventory of the armory when Mathias walked in the door. Looking up from the racks of phaser rifles, Scarlet gave the man a quick nod.

"Lieutenant," Scarlet walked around and over to Mathias. "What can I do for you?"

He'd been busy getting things in order and still had much to do, so now wasn't the best time to entertain visitors.

"Actually, I'm getting the lay of the land so to speak. I've not been down here before, and with my being the new Chief of Operations, I felt that I needed to check on things. Congratulations on your new position." Mathias stated. "Also is there anything I can help you with? And, how have you been? I've been meaning to check on you, after that happening on the hull of the Merlin and the living stone."

Scarlet relaxed slightly, Mathias seemed genuine at least. "Congratulations on your new position as well."

He silently kicked himself for not having his padd handy with Mathias here in person. "I'm putting together a list of requirements and supplies, but it's not ready yet. I'll get back to you when it's complete."

Scarlet motioned for Mathias to follow him. "We can discuss more in the office if you like." As they walked out of the armory and through the corridors, Scarlet remained mostly silent, except for occasionally pointing out something of note or interest such as the platoon barracks, the training areas, and lecture rooms. "I want this team to be up to date on all next tactics and weapons that come down through the pipe as well as maintaining their current knowledge. A rusty Marine isn't good for the squad."

The office was decent sized, but very sparsely decorated. While it was obvious that Scarlet hadn't had time to make it his own yet, there was a doubt that when he did 'make it his own' that there would be anything added to the room. "I should be the one checking on you considering your unintentional free floating."

Mathias had looked at the area with great interest, nodding at the things that Scarlet had pointed out. He chuckled and shook his head, at Scarlet's comment of free floating.

"I wasn't the one who had the free floating, it was Ensign Killian. However, we all made it back into the ship in one piece. " Mathias giving a nod." Anyhow, we can meet with each other for your requested items later on. I do agree with you on the necessity of having your marines in tip top condition. I have great respect for them and what they can do."

He did look about the office, then turned back to Scarlet. "What made you decide you wanted to shift to the marines?" Mathias expressing his curiosity.

Scarlet paused for a moment as if rewatching an old security recording. He sighed. "Yes, Ensign Killian. Apologies, a lot has happened since then."

Scarlet walked over to the small repilcator built into the wall and looked at Mathias. "Is there anything you would like?" He wasn't used to entertaining guests, but he knew the social graces well enough. Mathias was a good person, he was welcome. Unlike a certain engineer.

"Ginger tea with lemon and honey" Mathias stated, "And yes, a lot has happened since then." a slight furrow appeared between his eyes, along with a small frown. He chased it away as the thought of the pleasant way shore leave had ended for him, popped into his mind.

Scarlet took the time to imput the orders as well as set Mathias' order to be memorized for next time. He brought over the drinks, tea for Mathias and a coffee for himself.

"It was really a spur of the moment decision between the captain and I." Scarlet replied. "However, I've already become rather comfortable in this role." He tapped the strips on his collar. These don't itch me as much as the pips did."

"I could ask the same of you. Science to Operations is a bit of a change. Besides the different shirt colour."

"It was becoming apparent to me that there was more that I could do on this ship, besides being in science. I love working with my hands and figured that Operations would be a better fit." Mathias giving a shrug, "Which opens things up for me to be where I can be most useful."

"The new uniform does suit you." Mathias added. "And I can understand how a different position on the ship, can make a person feel a lot better."

"I appreciate that." Scarlet replied. Instead of sitting on the opposite side of the desk and creating a barrier between then he'd instead taken the other chair beside Mathias and turned it to face the gentleman. "Although, I haven't made too many introductions or meetings since the shift I'm hoping to rectify that once I get things running smoothly."

Mathias watched as Scarlet brought over the chair and sat not too far from him. "I've got to actually talk with Draxx whom is really my senior but from what the Captain had said, he'd rather not have the head position. I'm actually a little bit, worried in the prospect of talking with him. What with the whole, Sansa, Fay situation. I am going to have to talk to him though so I can't avoid it any longer." Mathias took a sip of the tea, then took another, as he collected his thoughts.

The marine took a sip of the coffee and winced slightly. He'd have to tweak the replicator. The coffee reminded him of that blasted beer cake he'd been forced into making.

"Could I ask you a more... casual question?" Scarlet said with a frown. He reflected on his own mannerisms and demeanor before continuing. "You seem to find it easy to ingrain yourself with others. Is that something you've learned or is it natural?"

Mathias set his mug down to pay full attention to Scarlet's question. "I think it is natural maybe to a point but also something I've learned as well. My parents were and are, very much into us being nice to others, treating them with respect. And it also probably comes from the way I was raised and the sort of home I lived in, where everyone showed that they loved one another. Granted, we are not perfect, we fought at times." Mathias gave a bit of a smile at that memory, then refocused on Scarlet. "it is also a choice on how a person treats people too."

"Fair point." Scarlet conceded. "I've found that some people don't take well to my directness. Usually it's because I'm trying not to waste their time. Other times it is because I want the facts stated and the meeting over as soon as possible."

He picked up his coffee mug and swirled the contents around a little before taking another drink. "I haven't met Draxx. Of course, I've not had a need to. I'm sure that if the captain chose him as her partner, he must be a good person. All conjecture of course."

"I can understand the desire to cut a meeting short, it does pay to linger for a small moment more than what you'd really want to do. A person can miss something that they may need to notice if they quickly get a meeting out of the way. Bare facts are all good and well, and the same with directness. If a person softens their approach, they will find out more things. I am not perfect, for I have had my ... moments of when I would like just the facts and not deal with someone's quirks. I just find a positive note just a small amount to focus on that. And yes that is a dark secret of mine." giving a lopsided smile.

"I think that would come across as unnatural from me." Scarlet replied with a grumble. "I've tried being... accommodating. It usually results in misunderstandings at best."

Picking up the coffee mug and taking a swig of the dark brown liquid Scarlet continued. "Maybe I should get an assistant who has the sole duty of being nice to people on my behalf."

"Okay, give me an example of what's happened so far, in you trying to be accommodating and someone misinterpreting it? Also people can learn to be nice, like people can learn to be mean. Its all the mindset of an individual. And you don't need an assistant to be nice for you. You are not someone to cower from a challenge." Mathias remarked, before drinking from his cooling mug of tea.

Scarlet smirked a little. "Joking in saying I needed an assistant for example."

Mathias looked at Scarlet then said rather drily, "I am afraid that had gone completely over my head. I think you have that subtle sort of humor, and I, who most of the time, but not always can pick up the subtleties of a persons nuances. I have completely failed on this aspect."

"It might be a manner of tone." He said half to himself. "I could smile more, but that would probably scare people more than relax them."

Mathias looked at Scarlet, "I've not seen you smile so, I wouldn't know if it would frighten me at all. Most people either smile if they are happy or want to put a more friendly front to seem approachable. I've not been around you very much so don't know if i can read your body language. Do you play poker?"

"Poker? No." Scarlet said with a shake of his head before gulping down the last of his coffee. "I'm more for pool or darts. I've mostly worked as an instructor so there has been a professional separation from most of those I work with. I guess I'll have to work on having peers again."

"Pool or darts, I'd like to see how well you play. Though you'd probably beat me on either one of those. As for your demeanor, Scarlet, you'll find your way as to how you wish to be. And maybe I can learn a thing or two from you." Mathias thinking about that, gave a bit of a nod. "I certainly could go for learning more skills, in defending and self preservation. Perhaps you'd be willing?" Finishing up his tea.

Scarlet suddenly sat straighter in his chair as the conversation shifted. "Of course Lieutenant. I'm running various drills and lessons for the platoons and once the schedule is set down I will gladly add you to the list." He studied the man for a moment before continuing. "I also have a few programs for the holodeck that you might find useful or enjoyable. While not strictly defensive, biathlon training will help with your endurance and muscle control while fatigued."

"Oh good, that will help out since I do not play Rugby anymore. Haven't thought of getting a team together since I had been on the station. Dancing does help but, probably need more. " Mathias giving a lopsided grin, and a shrug.

"Anything can be useful depending on how the situation develops." The marine replied with a nod. Noting the empty cups, he collected both and brought them back to the replicator. "We can arrange either for you to join a platoon during training or we can work out a personal lesson based on availability."

Scarlet pushed the command on the replicator and the cups disappeared into a glow of light as they were broken down once more.

Returning to his seat across from Mathias, Scarlet resumed his strict posture and nodded to the man. "Just let me know what works best for you and we'll get started."

Mathias gave a nod, "I definitely will do so." he replied, watching Scarlet's body language, "Scarlet, a question for you. What do you do to actually relax your posture. In other words, what sort of hobbies bring you enjoyment, and let you take away the tension. Too much tension can cause damage to the body."

Scarlet smirked a little. "I appreciate your concern Lieutenant. I am fine." He was tempted to leave it at that. His medical history was no business of Mathias. Instead, he continued half quietly. "I suffered nerve damage years ago. A large part of my recovery was muscle memory and conditioning. So I've become accustomed to a rigid posture. Regular medical exams show that I've not lost any function since my original recovery."

Scarlet was somewhat confused why he'd just explained his situation to Mathias. Something about the man made him not want to punch a wall or shoot an engineer.

"I am glad to hear of your recovery. and am sorry you had experienced that sort of injury." Mathias scrutinized Scarlet, "When there isn't any ease of a person stance, it blocks the signals of the neurons and won't allow them to function properly. The body has its own circuitry, and if there is too much stiffness, no true flow. Have you ever tried Tai Chi? It helps those who practice it, to become more in tune with the body and is also good for the mind. And when there is an inner flow and a person is one with themselves, they become even more of force to be reckoned with."

"Tempting Lieutenant." Scarlet said thoughtfully. "Maybe that is something you could help me with eventually."

He stood up from his chair and stood, not at attention, but at ease as he waited for Mathias to stand. "I don't want to hurry you along Lieutenant, but there are a lot of things that require my attention. But, keep in touch. We can start planning for the training sessions soon."

Mathias rose to his feet, giving Scarlet a nod. "Thanks for your time and also send me your requests and needs. Definitely, lets make the plans for the training." Giving one more glance around at Marine country, he smiled. "This suits you well, Scarlet."

Scarlet nodded stiffly and did his best to keep the compliment from affecting his demeanor. "I appreciate that Lieutenant."


●● Lieutenant Mathias McPhee
Chief Operations Officer
USS Merlin

| 1st Lieutenant David Scarlet
Marine Company Commander
USS Merlin


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