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Posted on Wednesday 29 June 2016 @ 23:05 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Nadia Kovac & Captain Melody Jones & Lieutenant JG Velin Ikiri & Commander Caroline Miller & Commander Cale Llewellyn DSci & Marine Captain Elias Walker

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Observation Lounge, Deck 1 Forward
Timeline: Current
1909 words - 3.8 OF Standard Post Measure


John was the first to walk into the observation lounge, which was still often referred to unofficially as the briefing room because most ships used it more for that purpose. He set the PADDs down on the black granite and oak table near his chair before moving to the window and just staring out over the saucer hull to the streaks of stars. The XO's slip had taken John by surprise, he had hoped Greg was able to kick the alcohol. Unfortunately, that had not been the case. After talking to Miller Barstow had asked her to get him into a treatment program quietly and keep it between them. Apollo wasn't afraid of the I told you so's from command, he just genuinely believed in the officer. The Commander shook his head after a few minutes then grabbed the stack of PADDs and set them at each chair for his senior officers before sitting down himself.

Velin walked in carrying his own padd and nodded to the captain before taking a seat, after the meeting he had a new appreciation for the man.

Melody walked in a moment later. "Captain, Lieutenant. Well at least I'm not the last to arrive" she chuckled as she took her own seat.

Cale entered the observation lounge carrying a padd and took a seat at the table quietly. He noticed Lieutenants Ikiri and Jones were there already and regarded each with a nod.

Caroline walked in. The order to report to the observation lounge had come as she had been practicing a surgical technique. Her hair had been tied back and now it was just crazy. She took her seat and tied to smooth it back down again.

"Doctor Miller, are you all right?" Cale asked the esteemed doctor as he noticed her trying to smooth her hair back.

Caroline laughed softly. "Just a surgical hair malfunction. Those blue hats are not forgiving Lieutenant."

Cale laughed at that comment and sat back in his seat after retrieving the padd he set on the table.

Elias stepped into the lounged and nodded politely to everyone as he took a seat near the end of the table.

Melody looked around briefly then asked puzzled "Where's the XO?"

John leaned forward, putting his arms on the table and interlacing his fingers, "the exec has been recalled for reassignment, but that's all I am able to say right now," he replied, having expected the question and crafted the best answer he could without giving away any details, "however, we have a new exec, Lieutenant Commander Nadia Kovac, who should be joining us momentarily," he added with a smile and looked around the table, "since nearly everyone is present let me start by saying you all did an excellent job during the drill."

The doors parted and in walked a very irritated looking brown-haired woman who's figure made her look like she could bend the nearest security officer into a pretzel. Her rank collar showed that she was a Lieutenant Commander but she still walked and talked like a marine. She walked toward the seat that was designated for her and lowered herself in without pomp.

"Does anyone wish to comment on the drill before we get to the evaluations?" Barstow asked and gave a brief nod with a smile as Kovac entered, "Commander," he greeted.

"I would like to say one thing before we start to the Chief of Medicine." Elias said. "A young nurse noticed me when I entered the Round Table,  and reported me as a possible intruder. That may seem like a small thing,  but keep in mind I made it from Shuttle Bay 2 to the lounge without being challenged. Whatever you teaching lass, we'll done. " Elias said seriously.

Caroline smiled proudly. She had not been aware of this. "Thank you. You must let me know which nurse it was Lieutenant. The blond doctor nodded at the new comer. "Welcome aboard Commander."

"Thank you." came the formal reply, but she didn't say anything else. She seemed to be studying all of them a bit suspiciously behind a beautiful face that didn't even attempt a smile.

[ok, going to move this along but go ahead and add anymore comments if your character has any]

"Alright," Barstow started, "the PADDs in front of you have your departments evaluations. All in all, outstanding work. The only weak spots we had were security, though that is in part to us not knowing each other yet, and the Marines. With Fox Company supporting security one of them should have spoken up seeing Lieutenant Walker," he said, just restating what Walker had, "Lieutenant, I want them to have situational awareness drills, they should be able to walk into a room and spot what doesn't belong in less then ten seconds, especially a new Marine officer."

Elias nodded. " I'll take take care of it. "

"Bridge crew," he said and looked to Melody, "you guys did great with what you had, as we discussed earlier. However, I'd like for anyone who has a duty post on the Bridge to learn the jefferies tube system and know where all the access hatches are. Even in lockdown you should be able to use manual overrides there."

Melody was making notes on her padd as the Captain spoke. Crawling through all the Jefferies tubes on the ship did not sound like the ideal way to spend her time, but it might be good exercise and a good way to familiarize herself with the unknown nooks and crannies of the ship. "Aye sir" she replied "And thank you. Just remember to send a search party out for me if I don't come back" she added with a grin.

John scrolled for a second before looking up, "engineering, overall you did well. You had the right idea with the computer core, however, you didn't quite make it. I'd like you to devise a sort of back up communications system that can operate almost indefinitely for areas like the bridge, TIC, engineering, computer core, medical, et cetera. Any spots where that need to communicate in emergencies."

He nodded, "Had this not been a simulation i would have taken a much more direct approach but i did not wish to un-necisarily damage the ship." He thought about the communications problem, "Technically sir the commbadges should have detached from the comm system when it went down but the malfunctioning computer core wouldn't allow them to detach. I can rewrite a basecode sequence into the combadge operating system to allow manual mode selection, it will take some time but it can be done."

Apollo grinned at the comment about more direct action, knowing what he meant after talking to Ikiri earlier, "that sounds good, Lieutenant. I just want to make as sure as we can if we do end up in that situation, or worse, that we aren't completely cut off from each other," he replied with a nod.

"And finally, medical. I don't have to much to add for you. Your teams did excellent," John said with a smile.

"Thank you Captain," Caroline nodded.

"Alright then, for the rest of you, thank you for playing our wounded crewmembers," the CO said happily, proud of how his crew had done, "now, our mission," he said and typed on the table keypad, bringing up the monitor at the side of the room, "this is proving grounds Hays. Our mission is going to be just to stretch our legs. Our main focus will be this cluster of asteroids here," Barstow said and zoomed the screen in on a densely packed area, "here we'll conduct weapon and sensor tests. Sciences, that is going to include you as well. Run every sensor test you can think of."

Melody scrutinized the display, all that densely packed rock could make navigation tricky. Speaking up "We wont be able to go very fast through all that mess with all the different localized gravitational fluctuations. 1/4 impulse will probably be the best I can give you, otherwise we might end up overloading the navigational deflector and you did tell me not to scratch the paintwork."

Apollo chuckled, "that's fine, we need to test maneuverability as well, so, I'd like you to pick a course through the asteroids that we can test drive on."

"Lieutenant Jones, I'll have Stellar Cartography standing by in order to help you with course corrections if you need it. I'm already drawing up an schedule for the tests, sir. I will need priority access to the sensor arrays for the duration of this part of our mission. Can you clear this with Ops?" Cale said looking up from his own padd.

John nodded, "consider it done. For the life sciences sensors I'd like you to work with Doctor Miller on calibration as well," he said, looking between the two.

"Of course, Captain," came the young science officer's reply

"Brief reports every three hours of work." Nadia said from her seat. It was close to the first thing she'd said in the meeting, a fact she didn't apologize for.

"Yes Commander," Caroline said. There was nothing much more to say to that especially as the new XO wasn't giving them much at all in this meeting. Perhaps she was sussing them all out.

Apollo nodded in agreement with Nadia, waiting a moment for the replies to Nadia before continuing, "and as the Commander said, reports. We are going to be a long way from help after this, so, we need to make sure everything and everyone is as good to go as we can be," he said then turned to Walker, "now, Walker, I didn't forget about you," he said, "Marines are going on a little excursion to asteroid delta two two five six," he said and zoomed in on one of the bigger asteroids, "I want you to go EVA and pick out some spots to demo. You'll also be calling in fighters and directing them to close air support through strat ops."

Elias looked the area over and copied it over to his PADD. "Roger that. I'll have my people start prepping the munitions and picking the placement locations."

"Excellent, get with Lieutenant Llewellyn about the composition of the asteroid and, here's the rub, we're going to drop you as we fly by, combat conditions. So, get with Lieutenant Jones as well about how you're going to work that out," Apollo said and looked between the three officers.

Melody continued to add notes to her PADD. "The asteroid in question is near the perimeter of the field so we should have no trouble getting close for a drop off, maintaining communication as we get deeper in might be tricky. Make sure you take a nice packed lunch with you."

Elias groaned. "Wonderful, a driveby and standard field rations." He laughed." My kind of training."

John chuckled, "alright, anyone have any questions? Commander, anything to add?" he asked and looked around the table at the gathered officers.

Melody looked up "I think I have everything I need sir."

"Alright, then. We have a few days to prep, I'll let you all get to it, dismissed," John said with a nod, but staying seated until everyone left to let anyone who may have needed a private word grab him before he disappeared. Seeing everyone go he stood and walked out heading for the turbolift, he had two more new officers coming in he wanted to greet.


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