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Resolving issues

Posted on Monday 20 June 2016 @ 01:18 by Lieutenant JG Velin Ikiri & Commander Caroline Miller

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current
584 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Velin walked into sickbay his curiosity getting the better of his desire to avoid... well sickbay. He walked up to the CMO and said, "hello, i normaly do not come here unless something has malfunctioned or i require my bi-weekly maintenance. However i was wondering if there was something wrong. Or if you had some issue with me?"

Caroline was startled by the sudden appearance of the chief engineer. She blinked rapidly several times and attempted to get her composure back. "I haven't got any issues with you chief." Maybe this was one of the tests set up by the XO.

Velin thought best how to proceed and then said, "I saw you staring at me for protracted periods of time on the bridge your physiological reactions during this was indicative of an emotional response. Did i do something incorrect?"

Caroline sighed softly, her eyes flickering to the floor. Finally she brought them back up to look at him face on. Vulnerability flowed over her face.

"No. You haven't done anything incorrect. I .... You remind me of someone. Who I used to be close too. I lost him. No its worst than that. I couldn't save him," she admitted sadly. "I'm sorry. I never intended to make you feel uncomfortable. I'll try not to," she figured she should use his words, "stare at you for a protracted period of time in future."

Velin thought about this and though didn't realize it he was staring off into space for a moment, "It... does not bother me, i was more concerned that i had offended you in some way or that it was coming from a source of bias. Now that i know its source... it does not bother me. My condolences on your loss. However, " He paused for a moment unsure if he should say anything more, "However i believe you are mistaken in blaming yourself. There is one piece of information that is often conveyed to medical professionals doctors especially. That being that their are two rules to medicine. Rule number one, People die. Rule number two, doctors can not always stop rule number one. I hope ... in some small way that helps. I will leave you to your work." With that he turned and walked towards the door.

"Actually," Caroline stated as he turned to leave, "Lieutenant there are many rules of medicine. Rule number one is "do no harm" not intentionally anyway. Sometimes experimental treatments are just that. Unfortunately people dying kind of opposes that rule. But like you say it cannot be helped in certain circumstances." His words didn't help but she appreciated him trying.

Velin stopped and turned, "For what it is worth you have my condolences... death is still an issue i struggle with, it is... confusing to me."

Caroline nodded. "Its part of the my job but I don't have to like it. I never will," she admitted. "What is confusing?"

He thought for a long moment and then said, "Death and the reaction to it that other people have. For some it can become the whole of their entire existence, for others it can galvanize them to action or a certain viewpoint... it is inconsistent and hard to predict... i do not believe i shall ever fully understand it."

"Everyone reacts differently that's for sure," Caroline agreed.

He nodded, yes... as i said, confusing. Thank you doctor." He turned and walked out.


Dr Caroline Miller
CMO, USS Merlin

Lt Jg Velin Ikiri
CEO, USS Merlin


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