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Reporting to Sickbay

Posted on Wednesday 11 May 2016 @ 01:59 by Captain Melody Jones & Commander Caroline Miller
Edited on on Thursday 12 May 2016 @ 00:21

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current
1176 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody entered sickbay.

As with the bridge, it was larger than she expected.

“Lieutenant Melody Jones. Reporting for my physical”

“Dr Caroline Miller, CMO. Well Lieutenant that was prompt. Normally people avoid us until I have to order them in. This way please,” Caroline indicated a bio bed.

Using two hands Melody perched herself on the edge of the bio bed dangling her legs over the edge. “Is there anything specific you want to know before we get started she asked.

“Do your Borg implants require regular realignment like Lieutenant Ikiri’s? Caroline asked.

She sighed, “My implants generally don’t bother me. I just need them checking over once a month or so.” She was going to continue running off this prepared list that she told every new doctor in her life, when she stopped abruptly and looked at her confused. “Lieutenant who?”

“The chief engineer. Lieutenant Ikiri,” Caroline repeated. “He is Ex-Borg also. I had him in sickbay earlier for his physical. He was a drone for several years before being rescued by the USS Patomic,” she added surprised she had remembered the ships name from his file.

“Oh,” Melody responded sounding rather detached.

“Oh,” Caroline replied. “I thought having a fellow survivor around would be good news. Someone who has had a similar experience to you.”

“I haven’t met the chief yet and I was unaware of his history. You just caught me a little of guard I suppose.”
“I didn’t mean to. I was just trying to work out if you both needed similar medical care that’s all,” Caroline replied. “So your medical file is …. Quite extensive. I’m sure you have had to explain things to plenty of other physicians. Why don’t you tell me what I need to know instead of me making you go through everything. Then you can tell me what you think of the ship and how you are settling in,” she said with a grin.

It was nice to see a fellow female senior officer. So far the senior team was very male heavy.

Melody relaxed slightly, “To be honest doctor. Everything you need to know is in my files. I’m not usually so….. cold towards people” she continued, trying to look for the right words” “It’s just normally all the doctors I’ve seen are just interested in my Borg history and not me. In fact I think you’re the first to ask about any other subject”

Melody was staring to warm up to the young woman who was standing in front of her. “The ship is really quite beautiful. Everything is so…. Bigger in reality than, on the blueprints.” Melodies’ hands were stating to move again as she spoke with increasing enthusiasm. “Even my quarters are bigger than I expected. I just hope I don’t loose Nibbles when I let her lose in there.” She quipped.

“Yes,” Caroline agreed scanning with her recorder. “One of the best perks about being chief officer is you get your own space and it’s definitely a nice amount of space. Did you get a bath? I did. I am so happy about that. I can’t wait to wind down from a hard day with a bubble bath. Who’s Nibbles?” she asked.

“Me too. I just love to lie there and listen to some relaxing music. It really helps me unwind. Nibbles? She’s my pet hedgehog. She’s still in suspended animation after the move. Haven’t had time to get her out yet” she continued. The fake smile Melody had been wearing when she entered had been replaced with a genuine one, her natural warm tones had returned to her voice and eyes lit up. Maybe this doctor wasn’t going to be so bad after all, she thought to herself.

Once again, she realised that as she talked her hands were moving of their own violation and she consciously brought them back to her side.

“Thanks doc” She added “This hasn’t been as bad as I was expecting.”

“Not all doctors are monsters!” Caroline joked. Although she did know a few that probably should be in the marines the way they ran things.

“Sickbays unfortunately a sterile environment and no one likes getting hurt do they, but I am going to put my own stamp on it. I was thinking some warm paintings, plants. Try making this place more interesting and calming. Maybe a fish tank if I am allowed. Doubt they would let me have a hedgehog though. So,” she finished running her scans and activated a couple of buttons on the bio bed to take a few more bits of data. “How did you end up with a pet hedgehog and is it called Nibbles because he eats a lot?” she asked.

“One of my therapists recommended I get something to look after and to bond with.” Melody went on to explain “As in her experience she thought I needed to work on making a connection with someone, and this was practice. I’ve had her ever since.” She added, shaking her head “and I called her Nibbles because in the beginning she used to nibble on everything, especially my regulation Starfleet boots. I went through 5 pairs in 2 months! She has calmed down now and I can’t think of life with out her. I talk to her a lot, and it helps me relax.”

“Wow,” Caroline said. She didn’t realty know what a hedgehog was but clearly the lady in front of her adored hers. But then regulation Starfleet boots were tough. This creature must have a hell of an appetite.

“If I ever have to come to your quarters I will make sure to keep an eye on my shoes.”

“Everything looks fine by the way,” she said finishing up her tests. “Happy to clear you for full duty medically. See that wasn’t so bad was it?”

Melody slid off the end of the bio bed “Nibbles loves to meet new people, but if I’m having guests, you’ll have to give me some time to fiddle with my replicator. My morning raktajino could use some….. Improvement.” She added, extending her hand “It was nice to meet you doctor.”

“Likewise Lieutenant. Have you met any of the other senior staff yet?”

Melody Blushed at the memory. “Yeah” she admitted sheepishly. “I ran into XO on the bridge and almost broke his wrist and put him in a coma.”

“Ah I wouldn’t worry,” she laughed and thought to his visit earlier. “He’s a stubborn man. Nothing can keep him down too long. And broken wrists and coma’s I can usually work with.”

“Well, if that’s all Doc, I better get back to the bridge. Do you fancy a coffee and a natter sometime? Us girls have to stick together,” Melody replied.

“That sounds nice and that we do,” Caroline grinned.


Lieutenant Melody Jones
Chief Flight Officer


Dr Caroline Miller
Chief Medical Officer


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