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Red Alert!

Posted on Tuesday 29 August 2023 @ 20:30 by Captain Melody Jones

Mission: The Search
Location: Main Bridge
Timeline: MD1 0600
304 words - 0.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Besides the gentle beeping of the consoles and the intermittent flashing of the red alert status indication, the bridge was silent and deserted.

There was a faint buzzing noise as the ECH materialised in the empty room. The ECh was a new program on the Merlin and the kinks were still been worked out. The Captain, in her ultimate wisdom, had decided to name the ECH Commander Morgan LeFaye in keeping with the naming convention onboard.

Morgan didn't mind the name.

Right now, she was looking around the empty bridge slightly confused. "Hello?? Is anyone there?"

When she got no answer, she addressed the computer. "Computer, who activated the ECH?"

"The computer responded. "The ECH program was initiated by Captain Melody Jones."

"And where is the Captain?"


"How did she leave?"

"Method of departure unknown."

"Where's the rest of the crew?"

"Unknown. All decks show empty."

"Did they depart the same way?"


Since the computer was being less than helpful with its answers, she decided a different tact.

"Can you give me the ship's status?"

"Propulsion systems offline. Main power offline, life support at 38%. Auxrilluary power stable. Weapons and shields offline. Hull breach on decks 11 through 15. Emergency forcefields holding."

"Were we in a battle?"

"No other vessels detected. No weapons signatures detected."

"When was the last ship log recorded?"

"Last log entry was 1 hour 14 minutes ago."

Morgan frowned, speaking to herself. "Whatever happened, it happened fast. Is the ship's sensor log available?"


"Well, at least I might be able to figure out what happened while I wait. Computer, can you send out a distress call?"

"The main communications array is offline. The emergency transmitter is still online."

"Send out an encoded distress call on the Starfleet emergency frequency. Include our coordinates and ship's condition."



Morgan LeFaye


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