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A little late

Posted on Friday 6 October 2023 @ 19:59 by Crewman Stef & Captain Melody Jones

Mission: The Search
Location: Captain's readyroom
Timeline: After leaving SB21
667 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure


"Not good," Stef muttered as he hurried towards the turbo lift. Not only had he gotten himself lost getting his son to daycare, now he was considerably late reporting for duty. He had given himself a little time to properly adjust to a new ship, before formally reporting in because technically he'd still been on leave. But now... everything was going wrong which had started with oversleeping.

"Come on," the young Vulcan muttered impatiently as he waited for the car to arrive. "Bridge," he added quickly as soon as he stepped inside.

Within seconds, he found himself standing on an unfamiliar bridge, reporting to a woman he had so far not even seen from a distance. He hurried towards the ready room and stepped inside as soon as he was called in. "Crewman Stef reporting for duty si- ma'am," he announced as he stood to attention.

Melody was sitting at her desk looking over the duty roster. She had stood when the door chime sounded. "Ah yes, you must be my new Yeoman. At ease and welcome onboard the Merlin. I trust you're finding your way around the ship ok?"

"Not quite yet ma'am," Stef answered slowly, "I kept getting lost so I need to take some time to learn my way around. I will eventually, I promise." He looked up at the woman. "What are your expectations of me?"

Melody regarded the man for a moment. He seemed to be somewhat more... vulnerable than the typical Vulcan.
"I'm sure you will. As for my expectation, nothing out of the ordinary I can assure you but tell me, I was reading over your service record. Why did you drop out of the academy? Your test scores were more than acceptable."

"I did not like the rigidity of school ma'am," Stef answered, "I found learning while serving on a ship was more gratifying. I have no desire to be commissioned, I am perfectly happy as I am now, as I also learn to be a veterinarian. I do like animal care."

Melody listened thoughtfully. "Well I have a pet hedgehog called Nibbels and my daughter has a puppy that I'm sure would like to make a new friend. Your records also say you brought your son onboard. Are there any special arrangements you need to take care of in regards to childcare?"

"Alex is three ma'am, all he needs is someone to watch him." The young Vulcan's eyes widened minutely. "A hedgehog? I have never seen one before, neither has my son. Do you have an arboretum, where you allow for small animals to roam? The majestic did, and I had adopted four chickens which I raised from the moment they hatched."

"Well Nibbels has her own habitat in my quarters but there is an arboretum onboard that she likes to run around in. Chickens you say. I never really liked chickens... don't know why..." she mused for a moment. You're more than welcome to bring your son to see Nibbels anytime. She likes meeting new people."

"I would like to see her myself first, if I may," Stef suggested quietly, "as I do not know what a hedgehog is and I will need to look up means to treat one should it be required. Are there any other pets on board that may require my ah... services?"

Melody smiled. “I have seen one or two during my walks so runs the ship. You’ll have to have a discussion with the XO. Will there be anything else?”

The young Vulcan shook his head. "No ma'am. I probably should see to Alecx and get him settled." He stood and offered the slightest of smiles. "Unless you have need of me now?"

Melody smiled and shook her head. "No, you get yourself and your son settled in and I will see you tomorrow."



●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

Crewman Stef
pnpc Seklar


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