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Wolf In Sheeps Clothing

Posted on Tuesday 22 August 2023 @ 20:56 by Lieutenant Nir’anyar & Captain Melody Jones
Edited on on Tuesday 22 August 2023 @ 20:56

Mission: Where no one has gone before
1175 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Sat away in a corner of the deck seven observation lounge, Anya was deep into reading. She had directed four of her medical labs to look at the data Deep Space 21 was forwarding through, trying to unravel the Symbaline Blood Burn mystery they seemed to be unfolding. Part of her wished the Merlin had been closer because she would have been on site to help... At the same time would it have been wise? So far Humans appeared to be immune but any other species looked to be falling ill. The Blood Burn was historically and even now one of the most deadly viruses known to civilized races.

She paused, placing the PADD on the table in front of her, rubbing the sleep from her eyes with one hand while the other took the stemmed glass with a fruity violet liquid in it. She sipped at it before noticing a shadow falling over her. She looked over her shoulder to see the Captain looking down at her, the only other person in the lounge.
"Captain, I'm sorry. I didn't hear you come in. Can I help you with anything?"

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything Lieutenant," Melody said, indicating the PADD. "May I sit?"

"Of course" Anya cleared the seat which too had a number of PADD's left unread sitting on it. "Not interrupting at all. just trying to see if I can spot something that Doctor D'BrooNi may have missed... Have you heard about the situation on Deep Space Twenty-one?"

"I'd heard they'd been put under quarantine. Something about an unknown infection. Is it serious?"

A waiter came over as she was talking. "Captain. May I get you something?"

"One Racktajino with a touch of vanilla please?"

He smiled "Comming right up."

"Doctor D'BrooNi called asking me to screen the crew. They are unsure how far back the infection may have been present for. Thankfully we have no emergent symptoms and the cross section of the crew I have tested have all been clear so I think we missed it... Captain. I've been looking over the work and this looks to be a genetically modified version of the Symbolene Blood Burn!"
Anya had seen first hand how devastating the virus could be in its primal form. It could decimate an entire planet of similar size to Vulcan with a population to match also in under three weeks and the mortality rate was so close to one hundred percent that it was almost like dumb luck if you did survive.
"I have dedicated a number of my medical labs to work on this and to remain in constant communication with the station throughout!"

Melody frowned. "Another genetically engineered disease. You don't think... This could be Mirror Fox at work again do you? I've heard reports that she has managed to free herself from the penal colony we put her in. Her current whereabouts are unknown. Also, I've heard some disturbing rumours that...." She stopped as the waiter returned with her coffee as if she had something that she didn't want to be overheard. she smiled politely "Thank you."

"There you are Captain. Will there be anything for you Lieutenant?"

Anya waited for the waiter to retreat once again back to the bar, leaving the pair to discuss in quiet given the room was still devoid of anyone else.
"That version of Commander Fox is vindictive sir. She would be in the area to see the chaos she had brought. Plus I don't see any of the indicators on the isolated virus that would point at her involvement. This was someone else."
Anya put her glass down after taking another sip and then rubbed her eyes. It was a futile attempt to shift the fog that seemed to have fallen around her. "I feel like I should be there helping her sir. I've known Mel on and off for years... This is the first time I have known her to be scared!"

Melody thought for a moment. "I must admit I only know Commander D’BrooNi by reputation but from what I've heard I think that station is in good hands. If anyone can find a solution to this, I'm sure she can.

Melody sighed "You're right, Mirror Fox is vindictive and cold blooded and I would feel a hell of a lot better if she was back in that penal colony. But she and this virus may be the least of our problems." She looked around and lowered her voice "Over the last couple of months Several Federation ships have been disabled with no apparent cause. The USS Princeton lost all power and had to be evacuated, no cause has yet been found."

"Sir?" Anya asked quizzically not fully understanding the impact of what the Captain was saying. "Is this linked with our..." she leaned in slightly, keeping her voice low. "saboteur?"

Melody nodded "I'm hoping not but I've got a bad feeling that it may be. I've drawn up a new security procedure for the senior staff. It's in the main computer. Here...I'll show you" she picked up a PADD and enter a few commands, bringing up a security file. "You'll have to enter your command codes to gain access to the file and the information is restricted to those with a level 7 security clearance."

She handed the PADD love to Anya. "Commander McPhee had some trouble accessing the file so you might want to have a go to make sure you can access it."

"Computer, access file displayed on PADD. Nir'anyar Omega three three nine". The chief medically officer spoke with confidence, trusting implicitly as she waited for the file to open.

Instead of showing a security protocol, the screen went blank and Melody sighed “That’s what happened when Commander McPhee tried the first time. There seems to be an issue with the security encryption. I’ll have to have Commander Seklar take a look. Melody took the PADD and stood. “With the importance of this new security protocol, I’ll get this sorted as quickly as I can. Please excuse me.” And with she headed for the door.

Anya was taken aback with the abrupt end of the conversation, the Captain having not explained much if anything about the new protocol. It could be that she simply had to much on her mind what with the discoveries nearby and the transwarp test as well as the suspected saboteur so Anya just returned to her own work.

At that instant Anya’s comm badge chirped. “Jones to Lieutenant Nir’anyar. Would you join me in my ready room?”

The Benzites eyes went wide at the sound of the voice over her combadge watching the form of Melody Jones disappearing behind the large lounge doors as they closed.
"Captain. We have a problem!"


●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Nir’anyar
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin


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