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Posted on Monday 1 August 2016 @ 23:48 by Commander Cale Llewellyn DSci

304 words; about a 2 minute read

As Cale slept, he dreamed. He dreamed of his last posting, of Niga and of the entity. Only he was alone this time. He was alone and frightened of what was after him. It was catching up with him, it almost right on top of him. He mistepped, nearly fell down but caught himself and turned around just in time to see it was Melody.
And then he woke up...

"Computer, begin personal log," Cale ordered a little too loudly.

"Begin when ready," replied the computer in its normal neutral tones.

"OK, where to begin. I'm a freak, a mutant freak. Thanks to Niga, I've become less than human. But I think I will be able to turn this around to our advantage. Maybe I should transfer to the Diplomatic Corps.

"I've been thinking about retiring from active service. Though it's only been a few hours, that thought has been on my mind quite a bit of late. I feel my usefulness has been reduced with this occurence. I need to talk with Captain Barstow before I make my decision though. He deserves to know before that decision in made. Aw hell, he deserves to know period. Computer pause."

Cale moved from the desk to his replicator and ordered a mint hot chocolate. "MMmmm that hit the spot. Computer resume.

"I'm not one to duck out in a fight without proper cause. I owe it to the captain and my fellow crewmates not to leave before we begin our mission. No matter the mission. I owe it to Starfleet and the Federation to keep at it. And with this new promotion, I owe it to Captain Barstow to work at this new position. And I owe it to myself to be the best damn First Officer I can be,

Computer end log and file."


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