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Ghosts of the Past

Posted on Wednesday 20 July 2016 @ 02:44 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Commander Caroline Miller

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Deck 2, CO Quarters
Timeline: MD6-Very Early MD7
1591 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Barstow didn't reply, instead just sitting quiet. After a few minutes he looked up at the speaker in the ceiling, "Barstow to Doctor Miller, I know it's late, but, do you have a moment......"

Caroline groggily sat upright in bed as the Captains voice rang into her bedroom suddenly. "Is everything alright? Do you need me to make a house call Captain?" She asked as her eyes started to adjust in the darkness.

John didn't answer for a minute, but his breath was still loud and rapid, "yes, please....I, they're haunting me," he said, still groggy and only half aware he had really called her and wasn't dreaming, he stood and grabbed a pair of sweat pants, pulling them on and rubbing his face, "yes, I do need a house call," he added and moved out into the main living area.

"Captain, this' security, we're coming in," a voice called from outside his door with the comm still open.

Caroline threw on a robe, it didn't matter that it was thigh length and it didn't matter that she had been sleeping in a baby blue chemise and the robe all but barely covered it. If something was wrong with the captain that he needed her at 3am in the morning, the uniform could wait. She did however slap on her comm. badge before grabbing a med kit she had in her lounge. It was a personal one, a gift from her father from her academy days. "Miller to transporters. Transport me immediately to the Captains quarters."

As she beamed in, she immediately had two security men react to her arrival. "At ease boys," the blonde said nervous for a second that one of them was going to pull a phaser on her but they straightened up and recognised her. Barstow in a similar state of undress looked pale, clammy and confused. She also got the impression he was non to happy having the security men there to witness whatever was happening. "I've got it from here. Stay outside and I will call you if your needed."

For approximately five seconds one of them looked like they might make a case for an argument but thought twice about voicing it with the CMO. The other looked like he was having completely different thoughts as he took in her attire with a goofy impression on his face. Caroline gave him a stern look, and finally they were out the door with a crisp "Yes maam" and reddening cheeks from the second gentlemen.

"Captain," Caroline said softly whipping out her tricorder, "What happened?"

Apollo sat down at the dinette and open and closed his hand to try and stop it from shaking. He took a long moment, staring at the bulkhead before looking back to the Doctor, "Doctor, I know this goes without saying, but, this cannot leave this room," the CO said, more to stall for time than actually thinking it needed to be said, "I feel like I'm being whiny, but....have you every dealt with combat veterans or seen any type of combat yourself, even from a far?" he asked quietly.

"Completely goes without saying sir," Caroline agreed as she realised bar being slightly hot, dehydrated and exhibiting some symptoms of shock the CO was physically not so bad. It wasn't a medical emergency anyway. She placed her med kit down on the table, the tricorder on top and processed his last question letting what he had said add up in her head. She suspected this was some sort of PTSD. Which considering his history as a marine would add up. Caroline walked to his replicator and ordered a jug of cool water and 2 glasses placing them also down on his table before settling down attempting to cover up in her robe. It was pointless though, her legs were completely on display. She flushed pink slightly.

"In answer to your question I have known my way round the end of a phaser rifle a couple of times if that's what you mean," she said. "Please drink some of this," she added pouring him a glass of water. "You are dehydrated sir."

John saw her cheeks flush and looked at what she was wearing. He looked around and pulled the red, suede flight jacket off the back of his chair and offered it to her, "I'm sorry I pulled you out of bed," he said and took the water gratefully then nodded as he sipped the cool liquid, "what I am going to tell you is still classified by Starfleet. Parts are on public record, but the incident as whole has been kept secrete," the Captain explained, "about five years ago I was posted here on Merlin as the Wing Lieutenant, which I'm sure you knew. Merlin had been tasked with finding and eliminating a rogue cell of Romulans. The Romulans didn't want to be seen killing their own so we were brought in and the Federation wants it kept quiet because they didn't want the Praetor using it as a war cry."

Caroline took the jacket gratefully and hung it over her knees. She nodded at his words. "We didn't go to war so I assume the mission was a success, .... but?" she asked. She knew there was a but. His hands were shaking trying to hold the water.

Barstow took a breath, "we found them. At first it was a cake walk, take out some platforms and insert or Marine strike force. Some of us got caught near the asteroid the rogues had set up defenses on when Merlin destroyed it, but no fatalities....the a warbird showed up and took out ninety five percent of our air group in almost a single pass," he said and swallowed hard, "I was ordered to stay on defense, but the CAG was among the first to go down. That left me in charge, so, I carried on the attack, twelve dead, countless others injured...only five of us landed, out of a full thirty six.....if I let myself sleep to deep I hear every scream, see every explosion.....I even feel the melted transparent aluminum and plastics seared to the side of my face....." he finished and looked towards the water, though his stare went much farther.

Caroline leaned forward and put her hand on his despite herself. She wasn't a counsellor by any means but he was in pain. A pain she couldn't fix. "I'm sorry. I can't even imagine your pain. Those memories."

She thought for a moment slowly pulling her hand back, "I can provide you with something to help you sleep for the next couple of days if you want sir. Its just ...... its not something I can prescribe long term. Have you had any proper counselling? I know we haven't got one yet but I have a colleague. Perhaps I can contact her through subspace and get a consult. We can try come up with some sort of therapy to make it more comfortable for you until we can get a proper professional and treatment plan in place?" she suggested.

Barstow nodded, relaxing a little when she touched his hand, the warmth from her hand confirming he was not still stuck in his dream, "I would appreciate that. I was seeing a civilian counselor on Earth, to keep it from being reported, and it was under control. I guess I just hoped it was gone..."

"I don't think something like that can ever be gone," Caroline said thoughtfully. "But there's ways of coping."

"Drink some more of this please," she refilled his water. "This medicine won't help with the dehydration. So each time you use it make sure to drink more the next day." She stood up completely forgetting his jacket which fell to the ground. Sheepishly she bent down the best she could and retrieved that placing it on the table before routing through her med kit. It didn't stop her robe falling slightly open.

"I'll give you a hypo spray of 2 light doses in case you feel like you need a nap to catch up on things. I imagine you will," she loaded and handed him the hypo spray. Then pulled another one out. "This one is going to guarantee you 8 hours uninterrupted. No arguments sir. If it was bad enough to call me at this hour, you need the rest. I will sort things with the XO. Then tomorrow evening I will be back and we will talk about whether you need another dose. You know," she grinned, "Not only have you wrangled a house call out of me but now I have to put you to bed. Come on," she indicated her head in the direction of his sleeping chamber.

John took the offered hypos and sat them on the table before standing and smiling slightly, "been a while since I had an attractive women tuck me in," he said as he followed her and sat on the edge of the mattress, "thank you, and I really am sorry I pulled you out of bed for this," he said with a sigh, though having told someone the entire story, something he'd not been able to do before now due to it's classified nature, had helped and he was starting to feel better.

Caroline nodded pressing the hypo spray to the CO's neck with a cheeky smile. "Just remember though, I don't do bedtime stories. Good night Captain."


Commander John "Apollo" Barstow
Commanding Officer

Dr Caroline Miller
Chief Medical Officer


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