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Planning a field trip?

Posted on Wednesday 13 July 2016 @ 06:34 by Marine Captain Elias Walker & Captain Melody Jones & Lieutenant JG Davina Lidox & Commander Cale Llewellyn DSci

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Science lab tbd
1122 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Elias walked into the out chamber of the a astrometrics lab for a planing sessions with Science, Helm, and Strat Ops. This was his first time to the lab, or any astrometrics lad since the academy. Not that he didn’t find it interesting, he did. It was just all the holografic display system made him a little sea sick.

"Guess I'm the first one here." He said looking around.

"Actually, Lieutenant, you are not the first one here," Lieutenant Cale Llewellyn said as he looked up from behind a console. "I am Lieutenant Llewellyn, Chief Science Officer. I'm pleased about your assignment here."

A few moment later Melody walked into the room. "Hi Cale, and you must be the new marine. Sorry we didn't get a chance to talk after the briefing. I'm Melody Jones, chief flight control officer" She said as she extended her hand.

"Yes indeed." Elias said taking her hand. "I'm sorry I haven't gotten a chance to meet ether of you sooner. I've been trying to get settled in."

"And how are you settling in, Lieutenant?" Cale asked.

Lidox walked in reading a PADD and stopped just inside the door looking up "Sorry I'm late still trying to find my way around this mobile space station. I'm lieutenant Lidox nice to meet you all"

"No worries, I've been having the same problem." Elias chuckled. "So now that we're all here, I guess we should get started. I've have to take a couple squads of marines to a asteroid for a picnic. Where should we start?"

Melody tapped a few controls and brought up a large asteroid on the viewer. "This is where we'll be dropping you guys off and the Captain has decided it would be a good opportunity unity to test a 'V launch' which is the brainchild of Lieutenant Lidox here. The shuttle will take position relight next to the forcefield. The Merlin will drop out of warp and at the same time the forcefield will be turned off and the shuttle will be 'blown out' of the shuttle bay. The Merlin will immediately re enter warp. This will require precision timing between myself at the helm and your pilot. The ship is only re entering warp for the purpose of the test and will be returning to the asteroid field not long after. Have I missed anything Li?" She asked turning to Lidox.

"I think you have just about covered it Mell. With your permission lieutenant Walker we can organise a more detailed breafing about v launch with your men and run some simulations on the holodeck before we arrive." replied Lidox

Elias did relish the idea of becoming a fast moving projectile. "Ok this is going to be a lot of fun." He chuckled sarcastically. "Yes we are going to have to train on this one. All marines receive the same EVA training as Starfleet. This goes a little beyond that however." He said to both.

"So now we have the means of travel, what's the rock made of? Iron, silica?

Lidox moved her hand across her PADD and the display screen lit up with a view of the asteroid field "This is where we are heading. There is a heavy Iron content to confuse your sensors. The Merlin will be running sensor sweeps to find out more about the field and find out more about the field. It is located at what used to be the Romulan Empire before it fell. Little is known about this part of space so we are here to explore as well as test our Ships. Here on the edge of the asteroid field is where your men will be heading for Lieutenant Walker. Mell you will be taking the Merlin deeper into the field to run tests on the Merlin and also to run sensor sweeps." the view screen moved in to a large rock on the edge of the field. " Lieutenant Llewellyn can you fill us in more on the makeup of the field and the movement of the asteroids. Is there anything the Marines need to know?"
Lidox passed the PADD over to Cale.

The asteroid field is made up of standard components, iron composite. Nothing out of the ordinary there so I highly doubt there will be any surprises here. However, there are highly localized magnetic disturbances all through the field due to the high iron content of the asteroid field. That will make navigating extremely tricky, Mel. But I'm sure you already knew that. Are there any questions for me?" Cale asked of the assembled officers.

"It will be tricky, but not impossible" Melody responded with a smile. "Do you have a suggestion for the best route into the asteroid field?" She asked Cale

"Actually, I don't. Remember I'm not a pilot, just a glorified lab tech," Cale said with a weak smile. "I am at a loss on how to help you with your navigational problems. You could try speaking with Ensign Torab in Stellar Cartography."

"I think you underestimate your importance Cale " Said Lidox "you're a valuable member of the team"

"Thank you all," Cale said blushing. "I appreciate everything that you said."

"Very true." Elias second the sentiment. "In a way I feel a little sad, all of you have done all the hard work. I'm just going to blow stuff up, in a simulated fashion that is."

"You never know, you might find something really interesting down there". Melody added. She looked at her navigational PADD "I think I can work something out. Another problem will be comms might be disrupted by all the magnetic interference."

"Wonderful." He said thinking it over. "Would signal enhancers work?"

Melody thought for a moment "Possibly. It might be an idea to take a neutrino pulse transmitter as a backup plan. You could modulate the transmitter to send and receive messages like Morse code. It won't be pretty, but a neutrino pulse will cut through anything."

"Understood." Elias said making notes with his PADD. "Looks like we have a good understanding of what is going to happen and what's needed. Does anyone have something to add before we draw this meet to a close?

"No I'm alll done here," Cale said.

"Right then" Melody turned back towards Walker "If you want to gather the marines, Davina and myself can brief them on the V launch."

"Roger that. I'll have them waiting at the gym" Elias replied, moving to set it in motion.


Lieutenant JG Melody Jones
Chief flight control officer
USS Merlin


Lieutenant, jg Cale Llewellyn
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin


1st Lieutenant Elias Walker
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Merlin


Lieutenant JG Davian Lidox
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Merlin


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