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Guess who's coming to dinner?

Posted on Sunday 26 June 2016 @ 03:08 by Captain Melody Jones & Commander Caroline Miller
Edited on on Sunday 26 June 2016 @ 03:35

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Melody Jones' quarters
1375 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure


The door chimed and from her place on the floor, surrounded by replcator parts wearing a causal green dress Melody looked up “Come in. Ah welcome Caroline. I’m afraid dinner will be a delayed a few minutes since this glorified toaster just incinerated some very nice roast lamb, please have a glass of wine” she indicated to the bottle of Pinot Noir sat on the table “And would you please pour me one, I think I need it.”

Melody then went back to reassembling the matter converter.

Caroline laughed at the younger women sat on the floor. "I would offer to help but I'm better with things that have heartbeats," she joked walking to the table and pouring the 2 glasses of wine.

"Well Doctor, it was touch and go there for a moment, but I think this one is going to make it. Could you pass me that coil spanner there? Vital signs are boarder line, but with a bit of slight of hand I think this operation is going to have a positive outcome."

"Sure," Caroline said then looked confused at the tools strewn around. "Which one is that?"

"It's that one right there" Melody pointed to the spanner. "So anything interesting happening in sickbay? And what did you think of the disaster simulation?"

"Nothing too taxing. More sprains and broken bones. They were surprised more than anything and clunked themselves. It was something that obviously needed doing. They didn't go easy on you though did they?" Caroline asked as she took a sip of the red liquid.

Melody shook her head as she worked. "Not that easy, no. It reminded me of the no win scenario at the academy. A fact which I pointed out tho the Captain. He said it didn't start out as one, he adjusted it for Ikiri fixing things in the engine room."

With a final turn of the of the coil spanner, the replicator hummed into life "We have a heartbeat!" Melody exclaimed with a smile "I do hope you are hungry, I've planned something special."

"Oh I am very excited. And hungry. What are we having?" Caroline asked.

Melody was just finishing entering commands into the replicator panel "It's a recipe that a friend at the academy introduced me to. Roasted lamb with rosemary and garlic, sautéed potatoes, creamed spinach and carrots and for pudding a chocolate warp core with cream plasma."

The replicator lit up and a rich aroma filled the room. Smelling food, a small nose appeared peaking over the edge of the hedgehog habitat at the far end of the room.

"Wow that sounds an awful lot of carbs. I am going to have to swim extra laps tomorrow," Caroline said turning round at a foraging noise. Then she did a double take. "Erm Melody. I think your pet is hungry too."

Melody smiled as she put down 2 plates on the table "Ah, I see you've met Nibbles. Sometimes, all I think she dose is eat, sleep and run on her little treadmill. One moment please."

Melody returned to the replicator "Hedgehog supplement 15" Then walked over and placed the bowl in the habitat. "She's always in a better mood after being fed, if you like after dinner you can hold her, she likes to meet new people up close. Anyway, dinner is served."

Caroline looked at the small rodent unsure if holding it was something she looked forward too. She didn't comment further and took her place at Melody's table. The lamb certainly smelt divine. She mentally calculated that she would likely have to swim another 15 lengths to even begin to work the calorific value of this meal off. As such she decided to enjoy it to the max. "Cheers and compliments to the chef," she said raising her glass to her friend.

Melody blushed slightly "Cheers". As she picked up her knife and fork she continued "Do you know what happened to Commander Alein? The Captain seemed a bit vague in the debriefing."

"Sorry Melody but I am not able to talk about it," Caroline said simply.

Melody sensed there was a lot more to it, but decided not to press the issue "It's a shame, he seemed like a....... Fine officer.

The conversation, not to mention the wine flowed quite freely and soon they were left with empty plates. " I do hope you left some room for pudding Caroline" as she put the plates back into the replicator. Would you like a coffee after? I think I've managed to get the raktajino as I like it."

"Does that mean it's rocket fuel and likely to blow my head off," Caroline grinned.

"It's not that strong, but it will clear the fuzz out of your head" Melody admitted "Also, I like it with a touch of vanilla. Gives it a bit of..... pep" she added with a wink.

"Pep it is," Caroline stated.

Melody returned from the replicator carrying a tray that had 2 chocolate deserts that appeared to radiate calories and 2 mugs of steaming aromatic coffee.

"The desert looks worse than it is" Melody said with a knowing look on her face "Its actually quite light and as I told the Commander Alein, Klingons sure can make a good coffee."

The pudding was a big success and Melody and Caroline now relaxed on the comfortable sofa sipping their coffee. "We have found a rather interesting M Class planet to visit after the proving grounds however the away team will have to travel via shuttle as we can't beam down. Might be a chance to find some new interesting disease, or cure."

Caroline grinned. "Lets hope its the later ehh, still it would be nice for a shuttle ride somewhere different."

Nibbles, who had now finished her food had poked her nose back over the side of her habitat, demanding attention. Melody got up and walker over, crouching down "Well hello there" she said picking up the small mammal. "I think someone is feeling left out. She likes to meet new people" She walked back over to the sofa and sat. "Would you like to hold her? She is very nice, and placed the hedgehog in Caroline's lap. "Just place your hands either side and scoop underneath to lift."

Caroline shuddered as Melody just deposited the rodent into her lap. She wasn't overly comfortable. Those spikes looked, well like they could do some damage. Nevertheless, she reasoned she had had her hands in a pregnant Gorn, and holding the babies who had bigger teeth than this animal. So she did as instructed and was happy to discover that the underside of the creature was rather soft and fuzzy. "What made you get a pet like this?" she asked.

"When I was looking for a companion, I came across this little lady and she just melted my heart with her funny little face."

Melody had started cleaning up after the meal and Nibbles had started licking Carolines uniform then licking herself, much to Caroline's alarm.

"Melody .... erm should she be licking me like this?" she asked.

Melody smiled. "It's fine. It's called anointing. Hedgehogs do this when they encounter a new smell. I think she liked you." Melody could tell from Caroline's eyes that she was a bit uncomfortable.

"Come here trouble" as she picked up Nibbles with a practised hand and started rubbing her belly to which Nibbles responded by sticking all her legs out and chilling in Melody's hand.

Caroline was happy to hand the animal back. "Well it's been a lovely dinner. Thank you very much for inviting me. How about dinner at mine next week. Well if the chief science officer doesn't ask you first," she smiled wickedly. "I think he has a thing for you. Good night."

Melody blushed "Caroline! please! Maybe you'll have to bring along that marine as a date. You know, the one that lived near that castle you told me about" she added innocently. "As for dinner next week, that sounds lovely. I'll see you then.

Caroline looked over her shoulder "Oh....... Behave Melody" and walked out into the corridor.

Melody looked down at Nibbles and laughed.


Lieutenant Melody Jones
Chief flight control officer
USS Merlin


Dr Caroline Miller
CMO, Uss Merlin


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