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Regarding Botany

Posted on Monday 23 May 2016 @ 21:55 by Commander Cale Llewellyn DSci & Commander Caroline Miller

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Botany Lab
466 words - 0.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Caroline was curious to get a message from the science chief asking her to meet him. She didn't recognize the location. Then when she found it with help from the computer - she really needed to try memorize things better! she couldn't help but smile to find herself waiting for him outside one of the science labs.

Lieutenant Llewellyn was waiting outside the Exo-Botany Lab he had assigned to the doctor. He was right outside the door reading a PaDD with some information about this Exo-botany Lab. He was with two warrant officers that he had assigned to help the doctor in her efforts. He looked up and saw her and flashed one of his patented smiles in her direction. "Welcome, Doctor. Let's enter your lab, why don't we?"

"Lieutenant," Caroline said feeling almost giddy in her excitement. "You are making me feel like its Christmas." She stepped in and looked around. It seemed he had already taken the liberty of installing some flowerbeds and larger pots and somehow he had managed to get her crates of samples from storage beamed in. She smiled at his initiative and kindness for sorting that out.

Caroline's expression at the sight of her lab was one of absolute pleasure. "Doctor, welcome to your pharmacology lab. I'm surprised that there wasn't already one assigned to your team from jump street. But at least you have one now. Question Doctor, do you have staff capable of running this lab?"

"I come from a family who have always incorporated some "natural" medicine into being a professional doctor," she told him looking wistful as she thought of her grandfather for a moment and the stories her father used to tell her.

"Its not really in the nurses job description to be gardeners but a couple are interested and have offered to help me tend this place. A refresher for myself and instructional brief for us all would be very beneficial," she said softly. "If I could impose on more of your help?"

Alrighty then, I'll set up some time with my botanist. Also, I've got a crewman who would love to assist you in this endeavor. If it's all the same to you,I'll turn over this project to him; Warrant Officer Joel Viterna. Botany never was my strong suit."

Caroline nodded very pleased at the turn out of events. She would have to do something to thank the chief for sorting her out like this. She would have a think about that.

"That sounds fantastic. I really am grateful for your help Lieutenant Llewellyn."

"You are indeed very welcome, Doctor. I hope this little venture works out for both of us."

"I am sure it will," Caroline smiled.


A post by

Lieutenant, jg Cale Llewellyn


Lieutenant, jg Caroline Miller, MD


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