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Message In A Bottle

Posted on Friday 12 August 2022 @ 18:14 by

Mission: Disaster!
Location: DS 21
Timeline: MD 01
3494 words - 7 OF Standard Post Measure


Somewhere out in the darkness of space, drifting upon the multitude of subspace streams there are messages that are exchanged and forwarded from ship to ship, station to station. Sometimes messages are sent out by someone who hoped to make a connection with someone, much like a message in a bottle cast upon the sea. Sometimes these messages wind up on someone's computer only to be tossed away, back out into the eddies of space. One such message might be answered by someone, or not....

Beep Beep beep an soft alert is heard indicating that there is a message waiting to be perused...

Kailu sat on an imitation of his meditation mat. His eyes were closed and the small wisps of incense floated around him. The ship was calm, definitely calmer than the Merlin but that wouldn't have been hard given the circumstances. In the background her could hear a faint blip, his right ear twitched to the sound but he did not move. Not yet.

This little bug was persistent, again it chirped in his ear this time causing his right cheek to move in tandem with his right ear. Slowly he opened his eyes to stare ahead of him, his temporary quarters quite bare to the bone, before turning to the noise behind him.

Grumbling to himself, the annoyance of being broken from his meditation quite evident he moved to sit behind the desk on which the computer beckoned. Without so much as a care in the world he pressed down on the activation button.

Words scrolled across the screen, "Hello.. is anyone out there? I don't know why I do this... I won't get an answer.... but one never knows. It doesn't matter does it really? Somewhere out here, someone may find this and answer. I see stars from where I am... Gorgeous lovely stars against the velvet darkness of space. Sometimes I touch the glass yearning to touch a part of that planet or star that is seen out in the distance. If anyone finds this, do you feel that yearning as well? Someday someone will answer this... if it is found." the message ends there with no signature at the end.

"Strange..." Kailu spoke out loud as he scratched the hair on his chin. "It has been some time since I received a strange message from an unknown source."

'Spirits, I am in need of your guidance.' he spoke internally as his eyes closed for focus.

In his mind he heard whispers but nothing definitive came of it. The ethereal secrets were not forthcoming at the moment and he was as in the dark now as he was mere moments ago. All of a sudden there was a flash, an image of a hand reaching up to the stars but behind a shielded material. The feelings of loneliness, of longing to be free and the need to be lifted up.

A light, a star shone bright in his eyes until it became blinding.

Kailu shook his head free of the image and opening his eyes with a slight breathlessness, sometimes the spirits were not gentle with his mind. He began to see if the computer could trace the source of the message.

After a bit, the trail of the message could be found leading towards a station near that sector, SB 21. Where exactly that would have to be discovered through more investigation.

Kailu frowned. This was only the beginning of an investigation into where the message had came from but still he didn't have much to go on apart from a station. "Computer, give me a description of SB 21's class, make up and mission parameters." he stated.

Computer reads of it being a former Cardassian Starbase much like DS9, and the message is coming from there. The station is Commanded by Captain Keiban Haistro, XO is Tamaska Holt... There is a rundown of personnel that are staffed there. It is sort of a hub in that area and not too far from Ba'ku. There are civilians on that Starbase and it is situated above a planet. And that is where the Merlin is heading for.

"I do not believe in coincidences." he spoke aloud. "No, I know this would look like one..." he grumbled to an unknown source.

Kailu found it very fortunate that this message seemed to originate on, if not near SB21. Even thinking about the station gave him that fuzzy feeling he got when timey wimey stuff happened, or the universe threw a curveball. "Maybe it has to do with the Ba'ku." he again spoke out loud. "Computer, can you connect with the sender of the message I received?" he asked.

"Processing" the computer replied. A few minutes later and the computer said, "Connection has been made, awaiting further instructions."

Then a written message comes to view. Hello? a few moments pass by then more text. If someone has gotten my message, meet me in the observation area number three.

Feeling the need for the subterfuge Kailu continued in the same vein. A covert message sent through unofficial means that the person in question doesn't want to be caught, or identified. At least not right now. I am en route to where you are. he wrote back. It will take me some time to reach you, but I will meet you there as soon as I can. Are you in danger? Kailu asked.

I am not in any danger, I will wait for you to arrive. a pause,then I can't believe someone actually answered. I will wait. end transmission.

Observation Area Number Three

A lone person paced back and forth their shape silhouetted against the window that looked over the planet below. The shape, whether it be male or female couldn't be seen due to the hooded cloak they were wearing. Back and forth they paced, only to pause once again to look out towards the planet and the stars.

Kailu entered the Observation Lounge with light feet. He knew that this was an unusual meeting of someone mysterious and the fact they had went to such lengths to do so was obviously important. Looking around he noted the dimmed lights, the slight increased breath from a hooded figure who clearly was anxious, nervous about the whole meeting.

Kailu cleared his throat.

At the clearing of the throat the person spun around with a slight gasp to face the creator of the noise. "Who is there?" a decidedly female voice, with a light accent, peering around, not quite knowing where the sound came from. One hand came from beneath the cloak, pressing itself to her chest, as if to keep her heart from leaping out.

"The one who replied to your message." Kailu's cryptic response came as he stepped forward into more of the subdued lighting of the room. It made sense to keep the lighting low, a power drain on an Observation Lounge could draw unwanted attention. "You need not fear me." he added feeling her anxiety rise almost like a tsunami from her very toes.

The woman drew in a couple of breaths as if to calm herself, then she answered. "I had no idea if my messages would even be answered. Just some flight of fantasy if you will. My name is Evelyn, and what is your name?" only revealing her first name, and keeping her last name a secret for now. The hood of her cloak slipped slightly showing some of her hair which seemed like burnished copper, in the low light.

The flash of colour caught Kailu's eyes. It was subtle given the low visibility of the room but now there were 3 things he knew of her. Name, hair colour, and gender.

"I am Kailu." he said moving a little further into the ambient lighting of the room so he could be more clearly seen. "I run my own detection program for picking up stray signals, messages and that sort of thing. I have often found those messages that are the hardest to be seen, or heard, need the most attention." he said honestly.

She moved towards a chair near the window, removing the cloak and revealing the cream white long dress she wore beneath the cloak. Her hair could be seen that the naturally curly red tresses ended to her elbows. She pushed them back behind her shoulders and sat down, her cloak now rolled up into her lap. "And thus you found my message." turning to speak to Kailu over her shoulder. "Shall we talk a little bit? Are you a watcher or a guardian of some sort?"

Kailu noticed she was quite striking, and her dress sense was odd but still he struggled to name the species. He could tell she had calmed considerably since the exchange of names and his voice always imbued tranquillity it was very rare he ever raised it. He moved to sit beside her, a close exchange often benefited a situation such as this, and the closer he was the better the sense he got of her, and if he should use pheromones or not.

"I do not have anywhere pressing I need to be at this hour." he answered with a shrug. "I do not go by any of those titles, but I do believe in protecting innocents from harm. I am guided by the teachings of my people to value all life, that we all have a balance we need to maintain. I suppose maybe both titles do apply in my life. I do watch, I listen, I act as a protector to those in need. Are you in need of a Guardian, Evelyn?"

Evelyn gave him a curious gaze, as Kailu sat down near her. "Oh I do not know if I need a guardian or watcher or a listener. Or just some company to converse with." a shy smile becoming evident. "I am still collecting my thoughts as I had no idea someone would actually hear my message." Evelyn hugged her cloak close to her. "I should feel lucky that you don't seem to be someone who would be a rogue to take advantage of a woman. Though you are somewhat rough looking, like you've seen a great deal of trials, but yet also handsome as well."

Kailu smirked. "Rough looking is a nice enough compliment for someone more than 600 years old, so I will happily take it." he said getting a little more relaxed in his chair. "I promise you though I have no nefarious intent, and should you feel you need to leave then I will not attempt to stop you. I am here at your request after all, and truth be told I do not sleep a lot so to hear someone talk would be a change of pace from my own thoughts." his eyes softened a little, the spirits whispering him to be cautious still of the situation.

"You do not sleep much? Is it due to quiet whispers that seek your attention, such as mine, in the messages that are sent out and you gather?" she turned to look out towards Aquil, "Almost like an oracle of old." Evelyn murmured quietly. "You must be an El Aurian." she said, turning to look at Kailu once more. "Something like an Eshu arriving seemingly at the right time, the right place in the nick of time." she paused for a moment, "an Eshu is a fae being, who tends to travel, is a great story teller, and arrives in the nick of time. Always finding their way no matter how lost it seems they maybe, but they are never lost. This is just a loose interpretation of what they do."

"Something like that, yes." Kailu was not intrigued by what the woman in front of him was telling her. "I am Toan'ta. We are El Aurian if you look at a medical scan, but we follow a different path. One less focussed on technology but more connection with ourselves, our ancestors passed, and our tribe. My spirits, the 'whispers', keep me on the right path most of the time." he too looked out the window and to him he saw nothing but the darkness and depths of space. "I always understood the Fae to be a Human fairy-tale? Something magical and mystical, stories to comfort your children... but I will admit it is a most interesting mythology."

Evelyn rose from her chair placing the cloak upon the back of it, walking over towards the window once more, touching the glass. "Out there, are the fae, the ones who came to Earth and sparked the tales of magical nature. Of course they aren't the only ones who sparked the tales of elves." she looked back to Kailu, "the El Aurians added to that mythos as well and even the tale of vampires too." a quiet chuckle could be heard, then she returned back to her comfortable seat. As she drew near there seemed to be an almost imperceptible emerald green shimmer from her green eyes which disappeared as suddenly as it appeared.

Kailu sighed. "Yes, my people were not the best at concealing their identities. Over time they became careless and too close to the inhabitants of their planets. I was embedded on a few worlds over 3 centuries and managed to maintain a cover that did not impact society." he said now noting the quick glint of emerald across the woman's eyes. "Tell me, do your eyes often change colour?"

"Not that often, from time to time it happens, but you are the first to witness it, at least from me." Evelyn remarked quietly, glancing at her reflection. "Strange that it came to the surface now, and with you being here." turning back around to face Kailu. "Maybe there is something about your energies that caused it to surface. I am most careful to not be around others, when I get that, feeling."

"Maybe as Humans say... we have kindred spirits." Kailu mused. It was more so to himself but still the woman was interesting even if not forthcoming with her need to Kailu's presence. "What feeling would that be?" He tried to pick it up empathically but he was having trouble distinguishing it.

"I don't quite know how to put it, but maybe a boost to creative energy? A little touch of magic, if you believe in that. A little bit of Faerie Magic." she stepped closer towards Kailu, "I am from Aberfoyle, Scotland." She wasn't certain if this interesting man was familiar with places on Earth, but Evelyn still said the name. She reached out towards him as if feeling the eddies of energy then moved her hand back. "I will not touch without permission." she whispered quietly, then turned to look back out towards the stars.

"You have my permission." Kailu said even though the initial movement of her hand caused him to pull his head back. "I believe in a lot of things, the universe is full of energies and powers we cannot yet understand."

Without turning around Evelyn replied, "You are most definitely a fascinating man." she could catch his reflection in the window, "To touch or not to touch, that is the question. What would happen? Would we set the universe on fire? Would we cause a ripple in time itself?" after asking those questions she turned to face Kailu once more. "Tell me, do you have an answer to my queries?" a bit of a teasing smile.

"You would feel my skin under your fingertips." Kailu said with a rather awkward nonchalant. "I did not bring any combustive material." he frowned a little as he looked out the corner of his eyes before looking back at Evelyn. "As to causing a ripple in time... that is all we are. As we move through life we are nothing but ripples in the timestream set about from out entry into the universe and only do the ripples stop when our time on this plain is complete." That is what he believed, now and always. "Your queries?" he asked rhetorically. "I have many answers." he said with a wry smile. "Some may answer your questions... some may give you more to ask."

"Well now, that makes my interest rise even further. You sound like a riddle master of a sorts." A flash of a grin. "They say at times when two people meet, eventful things may happen, some for good, some that are bad. Thus far this has been, something good. Shall we roll the dice and see what will happen next if we were to make a connection with our hands?" holding her hands out, waist level, palms upwards.

"Roll away." Kailu said holding out his hands for Evelyn to touch.

Evelyn laughed and took his hands, her eyes widened ever so slightly, and looked around. "Oh good we didn't destroy the station, or send it into another time, such as what has happened to this station. You can tell by some of the resonances from it, there are subtle signs." She hadn't released his hands yet, looking down at their joined hands. "I don't feel any negative jolt from you either. Which is a great relief." looking back up to look in Kailu's eyes.

"Well thank the Gods for that... I've just had my clothes cleaned." he joked in relation to not being destroyed. "I am glad you don't feel any negative energy... what would happen if you did?" Kailu asked.

A contemplative expression became evident, "Well, we would not be talking anymore, and I would have to leave. Would not be good to be around someone who is negative, and hopefully you do not find me negative, then I would still have to leave." Evelyn stated with some sadness in her eyes.

"I agree. Bad energy causes bad feeling, bad situations." Kailu let out a grimace which was meant to be a smile. "No, I do not find you negative at all. I find you intriguing, a little odd, but still you have my complete attention."

"Oh good you appreciate the eccentric individual, the one who does not seem to fit. Care to try an experiment? What would you think would happen, if we kissed?" an impish smile appeared, as well as a challenge in her eyes. Evelyn was also curious as to what his response would be. Their hands still connected.

"I appreciate those different from the norm. Normal is boring, eccentric individuals can move mountains, calm seas... normal people are nothing but a beige weave in time." Kailu spoke, although it was more so to himself as he heard the word experiment ring in his ears. Kailu gripped her hands a little tighter and move his face closer to hers and at eye level with her said, "Our lips would touch and proof of your eccentricity would be proven, or not."

An intake of breathe, her heart beating fast, Evelyn leaned in to place a kiss, her lips warm and supple. Her eyes widened as she felt at least in her own way a level of energy that she'd not come across before. It seemed intoxicating to her, like a fine wine.

A tingle of electricity through the lips, the slight spark as their mouths parted. "Curious." Kailu found himself saying out loud. "It would appear that we have a potent connection to each other. If not then we are simply conductive." he found himself wondering who this woman truly was. This was no ordinary lip smacking.

"I-I must agree with you there." feeling a warmth in her cheeks. "It was wonderful." Evelyn said softly, "Might I have another one please?" releasing his hands and sliding her arms around his waist, in a hesitant way, not knowing if he'd allow her to get closer to him. A small part of her worried that Kailu would step away from her and then walk away.

"I think we are past asking such questions." Kailu rose from his chair, Evelyn's arms loosening a touch as he wrapped his right arm around her and pulled her close. For a moment they both stood motionless, the stare into each other causing pause before Kailu arched his neck and went in for a second charge.

The feeling, the electricity felt between them this second time was something more. If you listened close enough you could be sure to hear small fizzles and pops. He wondered what made her so special, or maybe it was simply them both, their interaction causing the universe to stop and stare, causing the universe to celebrate.

This woman, the one who sent that 'message in a bottle' had found her reply to be something a lot more than she bargained for.


Mysterious Evelyn
NPC: Mathias McPhee

Lieutenant Kailu Grekas
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Merlin


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