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Home sweet home

Posted on Monday 4 July 2016 @ 01:17 by Lieutenant JG Davina Lidox

222 words; about a 1 minute read

Lidox walked into her new quarters and looked around. She found her bags had been placed over by the window. cosy she thought to herself, "Zariphean tea" she said to the replicator, a cup appeared and Lidox sat down behind her desk.

Sipping her tea she looked at the bags. most of her life she had been on the move and was used to living out of those bags but now she had somewhere to store her things other than the bags.

Where do I put things she thought to her self. she knew she would spend months moving things from one draw to another, but at least she would be here long enough to unpack and make it feel like home.

she thought back to her days with her parents chasing the Morta whale up and down the southern cost of Trillius Prime. no sooner had she unpacked a bag she was told to pack it again as they had to move the pod up the coast. How long would this pod be her home? At least she would not be alone now even though she lived with her parents they were always out chasing the pod of whale.

She walked over to the bags and picked one up "Time to make this my home." She said out loud to herself.


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