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Posted on Monday 4 July 2016 @ 13:34 by Commander Caroline Miller

440 words; about a 2 minute read

Caroline left the Round table chuckling. She was sure her new friend had a soft spot for the Chief Science officer. Knowing Melody though she would be paying for that comment soon enough.

"Lights," she said entering her quarters. It was still off having her own quarters. In her last post she had had to share with a roomate. She was also more than impressed at having a bath as well as shower. Caroline pulled her uniform off, stripped down and pulled on a pair of pajama shorts and strappy top. She wandered back into the living room to retrieve a book she had been reading when she noticed the blinking on the desk console. Apparently she someone had tried to call her about half an hour back by subspace. What was odd, was all the location said was Earth.

Ordering the computer to reconnect them, she smiled at the face of an old colleague. "Robbie, what can I do for you?"

"Caroline, thank goodness."

She looked at him her smile fading.

"Whats wrong?"

"We made a breakthrough. The serum that K'VeLu and I were working on. We were getting to testing phase ... Well he's gone Caroline."

The blonde looked confused for a moment. "K'VeLu?"

"I came into work today and he's nowhere to be found. I have been to his quarters and its like he was never there."

"And your research?" she asked.

"Gone. The lab is trashed. I'm safe with some friends right now and starfleet security are combing over things."

"Do you suspect ....." the blonde started to say.

"The same as the daystone convention. I think the same people got him. K'VeLu would never sell us out,"

"I still have the back up you sent me. I can get a copy back to you," Caroline said.

"Thats the bit I was worried about my dear. They are clearly rounding up scientists from our project. If they find out you have a copy you might be next. Starfleet have decided someone from security has to stary with me round the clock now."

"I'm in the middle of space. Surrounded by Marines. I have never seen so many marines. I mean my new CO and XO are ex marines. No one is getting me here," she said firmly.

"I never thought anyone could get to a Klingon the size of K'VeLu. Look I have to go. I will get in touch again. Keep your eyes open and take care of yourself Caroline."

The screen in front of her went blank again and Caroline sighed. Perhaps she should let Bairstow and their new Security chief know just to be safe.


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