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Starbase 306 Tillatix Personnel File Addendum

Posted on Tuesday 14 August 2018 @ 06:43 by Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & Lieutenant Michael Ki MD

Mission: The New Collective
Location: USS Grissom - Medical Facilities
Timeline: MD02, January 08, 2394, 0740 Hours
2089 words - 4.2 OF Standard Post Measure


As files were recovered from the USS Merlin, of special interest were files of the two who were rescued from Stasis. When those were found, they were sent to the USS Grissom for the medical staff.

The file for Sierra was typical for a six year old who was being shared between a Mother and Father in Starfleet careers. Early schooling grades and psych profiles were for a rambunctious, inquisitive, and smart child.

However, Lt. Commander Tillatix's file had multiple addendum and warnings, several of which were sealed. The sealed ones were around an 'incident' on her birth world of Apollonia. However, these were explained by findings of the surgical and counseling teams on StarBase 306. Their addendum read as such to those needing information on Lt. Commander Tillatix.

===== Tillatix, Save'ena A. Medical file, Addendum Section =====

**Special Addendum to Tillatix, Save'ena Amilia's Personnel Record, for XO/CO Eyes Only**
**Special Addendum to Tillatix, Save'ena Amilia's Medical Record, for Medical/Counseling Eyes only**

===== Lieutenant Commander Save'ena Amilia Tillatix Personal File Update =====

ATTN: USS Merlin, Command Staff, Medical Staff, Counseling Staff
Addendum: Tillatix, Save'ena Amilia - Post Surgery and Counseling Guidelines
Reference: Starbase 306, Surgical Team Red Emergency - 3725, Trauma Counseling Service

Mandatory Requirements for Continued Duty:

Tillatix, Save'ena A. is herewith on light duty for a minimum of three months. The USS Merlin Chief Medical Doctor or assigned Doctor will be notified and will have instructions for this light duty, which can be for up to a year, or more, if deemed necessary. Explanation below.

Tillatix, Save'ena A. is herewith is to continue Counseling Services with the Chief Counselor or designated Counselor trained in Deep Trauma Counseling and PSTD situations. This counseling will continue until deemed not needed for a period of a minimum of one year or until released. After this period has concluded, a follow up should be performed every six months. Explanation below.

Light Duty Required - Surgeries performed:

A) Removal of Invalid Tri-Sectional Medical Training Aid Cadaver Mesh - A medical student practice aid of a Tri-Sectional training mesh was put into patient after she suffered a forced traumatic injury upon her reproductive, colorectal, and urinary organ systems. This mesh was reinforced by nylon for multiple uses for Cadaver use, however, the wrong glue was used for proper cadaver purpose. Said glue was a flourophenylmethic substance, i.e. a Toluene glue. This poison was slowly killing the patient and needed immediate removal. Her Lymphatic and Endocrine body systems were functioning at 18% at time of removal, death would have occurred at 15%.

B) Organ Replacement - The above mentioned Cadaver Mesh was tied off inside of patient to cause maximum irritation and damage upon patient movements. This caused further injuries and aggravation of injuries, besides a constant bleeding with occasional surge bleeding from all mentioned affected systems. This constant aggravation and tearing caused the left kidney and left ovary to slowly quit functioning over time.. These were replaced by newly grown match organs and patient's body needs time to fully accept and integrate said organs. This was done over two surgeries past the first one when upon Patient's lymphatic and endocrine systems reached levels above 50% and then 75% functioning.

C) Reconstructive Surgery - Severe trauma to the Genetalia and internal organs by a forced sexual act with enhancements (as found out in counseling) caused multitudes of scarred tissue areas of the listed above organs. Reconstructive surgeries were performed upon external and internal organs to allow for proper healing and alleviate pain for the patient. A secondary reason behind the external reconstructive surgeries to help with patient's mental functioning and stability for proper healing of the body. Mephetians place a very high value on marriage, family, and children, or as they say, kitlings.

D) Minimally invasive Brain Surgery - A transporter beacon was found within patient's long term memory area of her brain. A minimally invasive surgery was performed to remove this beacon. The reason for this beacon is unknown, but can be conjectured as a way to track her, or to implant something to erase long term memories, or to just outright kill the patient. However, patient's tail produces fields to protect patient on homeworld and said beacon could not be picked up until patient placed within extensive surgical unit for above operations. The pressure on the brain from removal of the beacon caused recursive language speech. This will mean the patient will flip back and forth between Colloquial English and Apollonia local Dialect English. This will improve over time and should be clear within a year.

NOTE 1: Mephetian Physiology Bio-Chip NOT NECESSARY: Starfleet Strom Thurman Advanced Research Medical Facility head Chief Medical Surgeon Commander Diljion Moreau gave Patient a Bio-Chip for use with Starfleet Medical Scanners and Bio-Beds. This chip actually covered up the nylon and toluene poisoning, as well as would increase the lymphatic and endocrine system readings to be near normal. DO NOT USE.

NOTE 2: A Xeno Medical Doctor with expertise in Mephetian Physiology was on hand for guiding and verifying the surgeries for initial, reconstructive, and closure to make sure patient would retain full control of tail appendage and core balance as well as have a full recovery of sensations. The Mephetian Females have more nerves and interconnections of nerves through their Abdomen muscles for balance as their natural habitat is tree dwelling, and throughout their reproductive organs for bonding with their male for marriage. The USS Merlin Racial Medical file will reflect these findings.

NOTE 3: Toluene poisoning will take three months to six months to be fully gotten rid of. This poisoning causes detrimental effects to reflexes, lymphatic system, and endocrine systems. Be cognizant of this in any assignments/training for Patient.

NOTE 4: The subsequent poisoning of the patient caused two side affects.
4a - First, it suppressed the patient's continued growth into maturity and thus the patient's body is still at a biological age of 17. The patient should start maturing and aging properly once more.
4b - Second, it stopped patient's menstrual cycle. Expect this cycle (once every two months) to start up again in the near future. It could take up to a year, but with the successful reconstructive surgeries, should naturally start occurring again. If not by a year, perform a complete physical as to determine cause.

Counseling Services:

A) Due to patient's reactions to the Mesh being removed (i.e. replace it as it is needed and there is nothing wrong with it as prescribed by the courts of Apollonia and the Esteemed StarFleet Strom Thurman Medical Research facility, among other sayings) and changes in voice tonals during reactions, along with evidence presented by USS Merlin Counseling Staff, Head Counselor Captain Ondrod Veastri, Betazed was concerned there may be a psychic imprint implanted into patient. Counselor Veastri ordered a counseling session of Patient with Traumatic Psi Specialist Counselor Dasoda Azai, Vulcan-Betazed.

B) In a counseling session with Traumatic Psi Specialist Counselor Azai, it was discovered there were five psychic imprints planted within. Counselor Azai removed the five imprints, with help from Patient, as Patient has native psi ability. This native psi ability allowed Patient to retain full memories of traumatic incident. However, note that Patient had to relive memories in order for Counselor Azai to remove imprints.

C) Discoveries - the patient actually encountered an Orion Sex Slave Ring on Apollonia. The imprints were to remove those memories and put into place that patient lived in luxery at an Aristocrat's island and then suffered extreme traumatic injuries from a fall onto spacedock debris while working on a private yacht. Be aware that due to encounters with those who caused and covered up this incident, patient may have adverse reactions. LISTING of Discoveries:

C1 - Patient, as civilian teen, was captured by Aristocrat for Orion Sex Slave Ring at end of School year at age 17, was under deep training in dungeon for four months, was sold for life and pelt at twenty times going rate for Snuff event by Federation Councilman, and then was rescued right after taking of patient by councilman but right before death. NOTE: This was relived during special counseling session. Watch for Adverse Reactions in Patient.

C2 - Patient is now well aware that her transfer from SwampPort Hospital to Starfleet Strom Thurman Medical Research Facility was not to help her but to implant the bad mesh to kill her to hide what had happened.

C3 - Patient had StarFleet Counseling and Intel Counseling operatives implant five imprints to cover up what actually happened at Aristocrat's island. These counselors may or may not have known, but be informed they were under orders by Courts, Councilman, and Head Surgical Team at Strom Thurman Facility to correct the Patient's truthful memories with false ones as decreed by the courts as her imaginings for hiding the truth.

C4 - Due to the extreme violence and nature of the trauma, as well as being patients first and only time with a male, PSTD protocols are to be followed with special considerations when involving romantic encounters. Advised to have Chaperone for any first encounter dates by patient with males vying for her affections.

D) Counseling Continued - Patient is to continue to seek counseling services. Timeline is twice a week at first, with patient requests for counseling due to memories, nightmares, or PSTD occurrences to be met with an immediate session. This can progress to once a week, then bi-weekly, then once every month according to progress as noted by Counselors involved. Even after completed, it would be advised for Patient to see a counselor at least once every six months, and, if at any time feels the need for a session, to request one.

FIT FOR DUTY Assessment:

While the above summaries are daunting and would normally show not fit for duty and needing a year or more leave and then to be evaluated for most Officers, this officer is a Mephetian with a different mindset and social structure conventions. Mephetians have a close bonded sense of duty, honor, and commitment to others, as well as a protective nature to look out for others. This sense of duty, need to help crew, and the calming affect for Patient in flying starships (special for her, not Mephetians), is what kept her sane and minimally affected by her traumatic experience. Duty and service to her ship is needed to keep patient focused and moving forward while working through what happened to her, and how to keep it from affecting her life with others going forward.

Thus, as of this time, Tillatix, Save'ena A. is fit for duty while following the prescribed mandatory requirements for continued duty. As per all officers, this duty status may change according to observations by Command Team, Chief Medical Staff, and Chief Counseling Staff.

===== End of Addendum =====

===== Tillatix, Save'ena A. Medical file, Addendum Section =====

Michael had just finished reviewing Commander Tillatix's medical file in his office. "Cara would you come in here for a moment?" When the Assistant Medical Officer came in he placed the PADD on the desk. "Have you read through Commander Tillatix's medical file? I am wondering what you make of it."

Change of shift report had been over for a half an hour but Cara hadn't left yet as she had been dealing with a nursing staff scheduling issue. She was on her way out when she walked passed the CMO's office and heard him call her. She stopped in her tracks and walked back a couple of steps to his open door. She stepped inside and, before she could ask what was up, he asked his question. Plopping down in the chair in front of his desk she nodded. "It came through about an hour before change of shift. I didn't know if you had had a chance to see it yet. To be honest I am not that familiar with Mephetian psychology. If a Human had endured what she had they would be a basket case. I think we should keep a close eye on her, though," she said.

"I concur. In truth I am not sure that she should be allowed to return to duty. For the time being however, let us keep an eye on her. Alert Counselling that they should schedule regular sessions with her. In the meantime I think you and I have some anatomy texts to read. Then we can revisit the fit for duty question." Michael said as he nodded, he liked that he and his assistant were on the same page. It allowed for easier diagnosis.



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