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Saturday 27 April 2024 @ 08:36

Lieutenant JG Zirvell Khen

Name Zirvell Khen

Position Assistant Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Cardassian
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 181cm
Weight 84kg
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Grey-ish, partly scaled skin, smooth dark hair that is generally combed back. Though fairly skinny from being generally underfed, Zirvell has filled out nicely into his proper form when he went through his later teenage years. Despite his Cardassian features, Zirvell has kind eyes and a gentle smile.


Father Kirryn Khen (dec)
Mother Eilor Khen (dec)
Sister(s) Ila (18 years older)
Tare (15 years older)

Both sisters were killed during the Dominion war, in the same attack that killed his mother.
Other Family When Zirvell was 15, he was taken in by then Captain Lukas Fredriks, who had just taken custody of his twins Oliver and Adela after their mother had died of illness.

After some time, Captain Fredriks formally adopted Zirvell.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Zirvell is a young Cardassian male who has just finished his training as a nurse, having started at it a little later than one normally would. Having fought briefly in the war, he doesn't consider himself a soldier. He's horrified by the acts he saw his father and other soldiers commit and tries to distance himself from them as much as still able, so many years later.

He's a gentle soul who can't stand injustice. As a nurse he'll do his best to make a patient as comfortable as possible.

Though formally adopted into the Fredriks family, Zirvell has opted to keep using his birth name to give himself a sense of identity towards his Cardassian heritage. Among friends he might hyphen his name, however for all formal purposes, he uses his birth name Khen.
Strengths & Weaknesses Zirvell's strengths and weaknesses are still under development and even at his current age, are still subject to change.

His biggest weakness is that emotionally, he's several years behind in development and this can affect his behaviour. He also has issues with trusting adults that are supposed to look out for him. Especially male adults.

He also still has the stuffed rabbit he got as a fifteen year old, as it is still a source for calm to him.

His biggest strength is his desire to care for anyone who needs it. Despite the hardships he's endured, both as a child and even during his academy years, he still is of the conviction that everyone deserves medical assistance, no matter what.
Ambitions One day, Zirvell hopes to make it to head nurse, and perhaps even return all that he's earned and teach the next generation of nurses.
Hobbies & Interests More than anything, Zirvell loves to learn. He absorbs any and all information he can get his hands on, especially medical texts and books that fall in to the thriller and detective category. He also enjoys walking outside, as long as there's greens to enjoy. He doesn't like barren surroundings.

Medical Record

Injuries Was stabbed at age 15, while defending a young mother and her baby from a man who wanted to take the baby from her. At the same age, a few weeks later, was found strangled by Zaggor Pell, a wanna be governor on Lamenda Colony. He thought he could trust the man but ultimately Pell was only out for his own affairs, and didn't give a hoot about young Zirvell. This had greatly traumatized the child and gave his faith in males with power a huge dent.

While abandoned on Lamenda, Zirvell had to fend for himself for several months, resulting in a lack of proper nutrition and the subsequent weight loss, making him a very skinny and malnutritioned teenager.

Closer scans will reveal healed fractures on his neck ridges, which were caused by applied pressure when Pell tried to strangle him.
Mental Health While younger, Zirvell was emotionally a few years behind as he was the neglected child in the family. As such, at the age of fifteen he was known to behave like a small child at times. At this age, he was seen to take great comfort in what was known to be a Happy Horse bunny. He still has this stuffed toy, and occasionally still uses it in the privacy of his quarters to ground himself if things get a little rough.

Otherwise, he's a happy young man who is finally claiming his place in the universe.

Personal History Zirvell was born in 2360, to soldier parents, the youngest of three children, being several years (at least 15 years) younger than his youngest sister. At a young age, he was relocated to Lamenda Colony with his parents and sisters.

During the war, when he was about 6 years old, he lost both his mother and sisters to a Bajoran attack. As such was raised solely by his father and was expectec to enlist as soon as he was nearing the age to do so. However he made it no secret that he had no intention of ever enlisting. Especially not after remembering what the war took from him.

As a young child he was often left to his own devices while his father had to work, and more often than not he had to fend for himself as his father barely gave him any attention. It was clear rather quick that his son wasn't a soldier, and he had fully intend to raise soldiers, not peacekeepers.

Not liking to fight at all, Zirvell felt better trying to help others. He still doesn't know what he really wants to do now that the war is over, but he's leaning towards counseling. He knows he needs to do something constructive if he wants to help his people recover from the Dominion war.

A people person at best, Zirvell wants something where he will be among people. Still, he's unsure of what to do, or how to get there. He's well aware of the prejudice against his people, but he's trying hard not to pay too much attention to it.

With the war over, Zirvell is forced to scavenge to surive as there are barely any resources left on the planet. With no way to leave, he hides in the remains of buildings where he seeks shelter and safety. He doesn't know where his father is, assuming he has either been killed or abandoned him.

A teenager left to his own devices, Zirvell still thinks of others before himself. He'd give his own food away to other children or a mother in need.

Associated with Zaggor Pell when Starfleet arrived and functioned as his side for a brief time. He lied about his age at first, hoping to appear more mature but eventually his true age was revealed. Distanced himself from the would-be governor when the man almost killed him for leading Starfleet to a hidden prison.

Having no-one to turn to, Captain Fredriks of the USS Britannic took him in and first became his legal guardian before formally adopting him. Under his care, as well as the presence of the twins, young Zirvell flourished and grew into a healthy young man. With Fredriks' help, Zirvell applied to Starfleet academy. First he tried to go into counseling but having found that too intense, after two years he switched to nursing, finding that more in his area of interest.

Being a fledgling nurse at the age of 25, Zirvell was sent on one of his first assignments together with a Human doctor towards a colony that needed additional medical supplies. However, the runabout never reached its destination, their occupants having had to resort to putting themselves in the stasis tubes that were among the supplies for the colony. It was never discovered what happened to the young nurse and doctor, as until 2397, it seemed to have disappeared from all sensors.
Service Record 2378 - Applied to Starfleet Academy, counseling track
2380 - Switched to Starfleet Medical, nursing track
2384 - Graduated Starfleet Academy
2384 - Disappeared while on assignment
2397 - reassigned to USS Merlin, nurse
Not long after his arrival, he was promoted to lieutenant j.g.