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CFCO Getting patched up

Posted on Sunday 23 September 2018 @ 07:53 by Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & Lieutenant Colonel Kachiko Bayushi
Edited on on Tuesday 22 January 2019 @ 19:34

Mission: The New Collective
Location: Deck 15, Medical, General Area
Timeline: After rescue by USS Agamemnon
2084 words - 4.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Sav exited the turbolift onto deck 15. She was so happy to finally be relieved at Helm by an Ensign. It wasn't that she really wanted to leave the helm, but with the Merlin DOA until more repairs were done, the Station Keeping, now with some controls back, could be done by a wrist computer, let alone a fully qualified helmsman. As for helping with repairs, Sav was now needing to get to the actual places where the repairs were taking place. Remote sensing with diagnostics had its limits. Besides, Sav wanted the shrapnel pulled out of her and her skin patched up. She had stopped bleeding, but that also meant fresh tearing and bleeding when the shrapnel was removed.

She entered the mayhem that was an organized sickbay after a rush of emergencies. She snorted in humor to herself in thinking about the madhouse it was before the collective breath and sigh after finally getting to those not in dire need of medical attention. She moved over to a likely looking spot and waited for a doctor or meditech to come have a look at her.

Cara walked out of one of the cubicles that they were no longer on go home and get some sleep so her inner schedule could get back to normal. She saw the Mephetian in a bloody uniform top standing by a utility cart and sighed. So much for sleep. She recognized her as the one caring for the CO's daughter when they pulled the Merlin from the ocean floor. "I'm Dr. O'Reilly. Does all of that blood belong to you?" she asked as she walked up to Sav.

Sav smiled up to the young lady, mouthing a 'Fem, thank you, Creator', before saying, "Hi, yes, Dr. O'Reilly." Sav dropped her arms where they had been crossed over her chest to show a shredded uniform top, a bra barely staying in place, and multiple pieces of shrapnel embedded into the skin of chest and breasts. The blood was dried as well as light redness around the wounds as Sav's immune system fought with whatever intruders were carried on debris piercing her. She grinned and shrugged, "The console next to me decided to give up the ghost without regard to its neighbors. Nothing life threatening, but, hurts like hell and they really can't stay. Can you help me out?"

Cara looked around and saw the only open space was a hover gurney in the back corner. "Over there," she said, placing a hand on Sav's shoulder to guide her in the right direction. With her free hand she motioned to one of the nurses looking on from the nurses' station counter. "Bring me a lac kit and 50mg Bactroletine," she instructed. When they got to the gurney she said, "hop up here and we'll get you cleaned up."

Sav followed along, and then hopped up onto the gurney as instructed. She unconsciously glanced around the room and angled her torso to be more towards a wall and away from prying eyes of males, well, as much as able. She smiled to Cara and said, "Thanks, Dr. O'Reilly."

Apparently, Kachiko had lost more blood than she had realized, which lead to the onset of lethargy that had overtaken her. Sweet young Doctor O'Reilly had extracted the shrapnel and patched up the lacerations, punctures and exposed arteries and left Kachiko to rest and recover in an enclosed cubicle.

She had taken to leaning against the bulkhead outside of the cubicle, watching medical personnel treating the wounded. Apollo was in no shape for much of anything, so she was trying to be as visible as possible. A bedrock for the crew to rely on. She noticed Cara leading Save'ena towards a hover gurney, which prompted Kachiko to follow.

"No, Doctor," Kachiko set a hand on the Physician's arm. "I'm not using the cubicle you put me in and Save'ena needs a bit of privacy for her treatment."

Sav had already closed her eyes while waiting for the nurse to bring over what was asked of her. However, at Kachiko's voice, Sav opened her eyes and churred questioningly as her head tilted with a raised eyebrow for what Kachiko had said. Sav had seen for herself how busy sickbay was, and did not mind, well, not too much, for being in the open like this, and, Kachiko looked much worse for wear than Sav did.

"Sav and I have a very long history together, so it's nothing I haven't seen before," Kachiko said, gesturing towards the empty cubicle.

"Yeah. Because you look in the peak of health," Cara said, sarcastically and removed her arm from the XO's grasp. She pointed to the cubicle. "Get back in your bed," she said, firmly as she unlocked the hover gurney with Sav sitting on it and steered it towards the cubicle. "You now have a roommate."

Sav giggled even as she covered up her breasts with her arms once more. She said, "Coolio, now weun just need a Vid, pillows, ana popcorn tah make it a sleepover."

After they were in the cubicle and away from prying eyes, Sav's body visibly relaxed. She held out her arms as she telekinetically undid her bra. It slipped over her arms and onto the table in the cubicle as she told Cara, "Ah have minor TK. Ana, XO wasa mah Advisor at StarFleet Academy. We had some interesting times together, ayuh. Best fun was flying Hiei, her runabout." She eyed Kachiko, then said conspiratorially, "I might be the cause for her white hair... maybe."

"I believe it," Cara said with a chuckle and a wink at Kachiko. The nurse brought in the lac kit and set everything up. Cara took a seat on the rolling stool and grabbed a pair of hemostats and the dermal-regenerator and set to removing the shrapnel while the nurse irrigated the wounds, then Cara closed the wounds. "Was she a handful back then?" she asked Kachiko as she worked.

Kachiko laughed, "Within weeks, she had already clawed another Cadet, though with good reason."

Cara chuckled. "Why does that not surprise me?" She looked up at Sav and winked, playfully.

Sav giggle churred lightly herself, then added, "Along with lost in a forest, dehydrated with blood loss, formal reprimand, targeted, fanatical counselors, and typical boys trying to get into panties.. not that they would have liked what they found ifin Ah let them... " As she was speaking, her tone shifted slightly higher with emotions showing through while trembling started to appear in muscle groups across her body. She finished with, "Ana slicing meshes, poisoning, transporter beacon ina me head, with mah fur ana skin worth 5 million credits.. all forrrr..." She trailed off as she realized she was letting her memories get the better of her, and it was sounding like a pity trip.

Sav lowered her eyes and said, "Pahlease, Ah'm truly sorry. Sometimes the memories just hit me. My experiences are not typical, I know, while Melody, David, and Kachiko have had it much worse than I. I'll just shut up, now, and let you finish working on me."

Cara finished and examined her work as she took in Sav's story. The girl had had a rough past and Cara wondered about its effect on her stability. She made a mental note to consult with the ship's counselor. "There," she said to Sav, pushing her stool away from the gurney. She looked at the nurse and said, "get her a scrub top, please," then she picked up the hypospray and said to Sav, "this is a strong antibiotic that will fight off any infection. When the nurse brings you the scrub top you are free to go."

"Sav, hon," Kachiko intoned as she obediently lay back on her assigned bunk for now. "Other people's trauma does not make yours any less. We all have our troubles. You can admit that you have had a rough go of it."

Sav snorted out in semi-humor. She replied, "Yeah, it was rough, I was supposed to be dead." She shook herself, then smiled wanly at Cara, "Again, Sorry Cara. I was following along and enjoying the humor when my memories began overlapping, which I just couldn't help reliving. *sigh* It has only been just nine months since they removed the five psychic imprints trying to erase meself ana plant falsies, ana Ah am still getting used tah not fighten them, besides now havin' me memories able to freely flow." She shyly looked at Cara and asked, "Can yah fergive me?"

"No apologies necessary," Cara answered. The nurse brought the scrub top in and handed it to Sav.

Sav looked over at Kachiko. She blushed lightly, then said, "Ah truly enjoyed t'e humor, Ah did, till Ah messed it up. Right now, Kachiko, I will seem a little off as memories can just flow... I lived with the psychic imprints trying to remake me and having to keep my trauma buried for almost seven years. I... I... am only now learnin' tah deal wit' it. Ah'm doin' me best.. but Ah need help, from you... ana Cara.. ana any ot'er girlfriend who can. *giggle* Fer some strange reason, Ah don't trust guys rahght now." She grimaced as she mouthed the last, then said one more thing, "Apologies fer me speech. When t'ey removed t'e transponder from me brain, itun pressed against speech centahs, so mah speech switches from Apollonia dialect ana Terran without me realizing it. Kind of a pain in the butt. I am getting better, just give it a few more months, okay?"

Kachiko blinked, "You're hardly the most difficult aboard to understand, Save'ena darling. You know me better than that. I know you better than that as well."

Cara smiled. "Save' apologize too much," she said. "Never apologize for who you are. I don't know you but you seem like a wonderful person. have some issues from your past but nothing that our ship's Counselor can't help you deal with. And the speech thing is nothing. Hell we have an Engineer that I can barely understand with her Australian/Irish accent. Now put your shirt on and let the XO get some rest."

Sav gladly put the shirt on while a blush grew on her muzzle, the darkening able to be seen along it. She replied to Cara, "Yeah, I did, I do, its just.... yeah, I'll work on it." She shivered for a moment as her mind and body tried to adjust to not wearing a bra. She glanced down at her easily seen nipples poking into the fabric of her shirt, then she giggled and said, "Its been over six years since I haven't worn a bra... feels strange."

She hopped off the gurney. She moved over to Kachiko and gave her a kiss upon her forehead, saying, "You look lahke hell. Get some rest, ayuh, and be there fer me, ana crew. Love yah, Kachiko."

Kachiko remained silent, blushing faintly at the unexpected show of affection.

She shifted to move in close to Cara and gave her a hug. "Thanks, fer everaht'ing. Ah ama going to go get mah t'ings tah help witha repairs, after a snack ana some rest, Ah promise."

Cara wasn't used to her patients being so affectionate but she smiled warmly and returned the hug.

Sav left Kachiko's assigned cubicle with a double shake of her tail and proceeded to head out of sickbay and to her room. She unconsciously covered up her chest with crossed arms as she left and headed to the turbolift. She really needed to merge with some equipment and get herself centered once again, she didn't want more memories to come to the fore at awkward times and cause a ruckus like she did with Cara and Kachiko. Sure, she had issues, but that was no excuse to cause problems with other crew. Melody, David, and Kachiko's traumatic events flashed through her mind, Her thoughts were of, 'They had it worse.. get your head in the now, Sav, don't let your issues become others burdens.. they deserve a life without that hanging in their heads... Save it for the counselors only, got it, girrl?'

The overthinking Mephetian Lady entered the turbolift and the doors closed behind her.


Dr. Cara O'Reilly
USS Merlin

Lt. Commander Save'ena Amilia Tillatix
Chief Flight Control Officer
Bridge Command Specialist
USS Merlin

Commander Bayushi Kachiko
First Officer, USS Merlin


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