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Monday 25 July 2016 @ 19:32

Lieutenant JG Davina Lidox

Name Davina Lidox

Position Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species trill
Age 45
Starfleet ID

Physical Appearance

Height 5.3
Weight 108
Hair Color black
Eye Color blue
Physical Description short slim spots down each side of face and body hair down to base of shoulders.


Spouse gudraa vagod ex to first host
Father sihjol nimaud
Mother enoll nimaud

Personality & Traits

General Overview Davina is dedicated to her work but when off duty enjoys a practical joke parties and exploring and experiencing different cultures
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
has another life time of experience to call upon
lateral thinker can look at a problem and see the less logical solution
hard working and dedicated in final goal

can react without thinking getting things wrong sometimes
gets confused some times as to which host she is
dislike of computers literal translation of everything
Ambitions to explore and expand the trill knowledge of the universe
experience different cultures
Hobbies & Interests Anbo-Jitsu
Tri-dimensional chess

Medical Record

Mental Health lateral thinker slow to anger strong dislike of computer logic
practical joker.

Personal History Lidox's first host was Sirzon Lindox a theoretical mathematician and physicist who believed all music and poetry worked on a mathematical principal and spent his spare time trying to prove it . Born Davina Nimaud on Trillius Prime in Tenar her parents studying the wildlife on the Tenaran Ice Clifs. Isolated from most people except on visits to the city's of Trillius Prime she didn't have much contact with people, playing games against computers to pass the time like Tri-dimensional chess or alone like Strategema she soon developed a less logical way of thinking to find ways to beat the computer. She became fed up of only having a computer to talk to and felt it was sole less. when she became old enough she became a shuttle pilot so she could get human contact.

On learning to fly she found out that she was a natural at flying any type of shuttle or ship soon reaching Level 5 in a few years. When she was able she applied to the symbiont commission to become joined so she would never be alone again. She became a practical joker while going through the joining program and found it helped her make friends easily. On passing the symbiont commission she requested Lindox as she had worked with him in her training and felt that the logical Lindox would work well with her lateral way of thinking giving her another view and open up new options to her and Sizon Lindox agreed. On joining Davina Lindox took time to adjust to the opposites of literal and lateral thinking this soon gave her unique view the universe. After the joining settled down she applied to Starfleet so she could expand her knowledge of the universe and meet new people.

At the academy she soon made friends and excelled in her classes making friends easily but annoying the instructors with hear practical joking. She took up martial arts at the academy to learn do defend herself and found she enjoyed it but had to work at it. On passing her instructors recommended she applied for Strategic ops because her analytical skills with her lateral intuition gave her the ability to notice things that most people missed.
Service Record 2389 joined Starfleet Academy. 2393 joined USS Merlin as Chief Strategic Operations Officer